

Only took 4 years to get1
May 20, 2006
London, England Rank: i-wii-sistable
Wii Online Code
There should be an announcment telling guests that they should register to the forums; Because there are always more guests than registered members, so it would be cool if they registered and liven up the forums even more! This site is the best forums for nintendo wii, and people should register. :D :D

What do you think pple?
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I agree 2:D If they're going to look at the threads, become a member so that they could post if they had a thought or idea, like MetroidZ said, it would liven the threads up. Then if they liked wut they saw they'd stay members and keep posting. Good idea MetroidZ:D

i0n here our plea....
we got linked around a few high traffic websites yesterday, thats why we have so many extra guests roaming the boards :)
Got a few surprises coming up over the next few weeks, so hopefully that should entice some more members :)
i was one of those guests before. i came looking for an answer about the Wii and found all the answers to questions ive had for a long time and looked like an awsome board so i joined and havent regreted it since
man, last time I saw 450+ guests here!!!!! I could not beleive it and I told NateTheGreat for his opinion, he also said it was insane
Arrrgghh! I hate u i0n!:p(plz don't ban me! I'm kidding!) U've always got something more! It's so irratating...but in a good way. Keep it coming!

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