a.k.a Vega
ok in this game you have to post something about the person above you, something about yourself, and something you think the person that will post below you has/is. For example...
^ (i post something about guy above me here)
< (Post something about myself here)
v (post something about the next person here)
feel free to make the top and bottom answers humourous/crazy, but keep the one about you true. I'll start...
^ (no one above me...)
< ate a sandwich for lunch
v smells like poop
^ (i post something about guy above me here)
< (Post something about myself here)
v (post something about the next person here)
feel free to make the top and bottom answers humourous/crazy, but keep the one about you true. I'll start...
^ (no one above me...)
< ate a sandwich for lunch
v smells like poop