chachs official Resident Evil 4 hints and questions Thread

, it only took a few hits from Chicago typewriter to off Salaxzer


Ooops, anyone spot the deliberate mistake, am looking forward to getting the Chicago Typewriter but don't have it yet, meant of course the Broken Butterfly............ thats what keen anticipation does for you :lol: :lol: :lol:
Im at Krauser right now. I wasted a crap ton of ammo on him just goofing around thinking I could drop him 1st. Gonna reload my save and just waste him when I *have* to fight him.
I hate, loathe and detest regenerators, I just don't have the knack of aiming my rifle and zooming in to get the hot spots quick enough. I just wasted the charming spiky git in the lab who positively grinned as he lovingly impaled me on his spikes!!!!!!!!!! I'm on my way out now but of course I've now got stupid Ashley to worry about and I can't believe that he was the last regenerator,there is bound to be another one or more lurking around somewhere.
Is there an easy way of wasting them, WARIO............ HELPPPPPPPPP

Krauser's pretty easy. You can kill him in no time if you have a Broken Butterfly or the successor pistol that I have forgotten the name of.
First give him a few shots with the TMP into the leg so his defense goes down and then shoot him with the Butterfly. He's going down after 3 or 4 times.

@ summerdown

At most times you don't even have to kill them. Just shoot their legs away so they fall on the floor. Just walk past them, most times they won't catch up. If they do, shoot them again.
:lol:....easiest way.....hmm... yeah......shoot the leg then throw a grenade or flame grenade

or use the shotgun while its down
Ok, got a couple more questions, are there any different enimies in pro mode, and whats ada's assignment and seperate paths?
1. no just harder to kill and u get less ammo

2. in assignment ada u unlock the chicago typewriter for separate way and unlock leon's and ashley's second outfits

3. in separate ways u unlock the chicago typewriter on story mode
dude, when i fought krauser the first few times, i didnt use my nife, but all my ammo! lol, it took only 2 killer7 shots and 6 knife shots to kill him lol! :lol: but i beat the game 3 days ago!!!