Fighting Box Needed


Future Wii Owner
Jul 19, 2006
Ok WiiChat I have been gone for a while and I have seen alot of people fighting IT is time you make a fight section were you can fight about what is better and what is not! It is a great way of keeping people from ruining harmless topics.
That's really stupid, not to be too mean, but if ppl argue the hell out of a topic then an administrator can threaten to ban the person if he doesn't stop, close the thread and etc. So I guess i'm already ruining this topic:D...actually i'm making a point, nvm.
I dont argue with people i just state my case and defend it
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Well in my forum It worked just fine... and other forums have it also it is just a filter of the complainers and people who have no respect for anything but there own opinion
There is only my opinion
Every one else can


only jokeing
From my experience such 'flame forums' just breed contempt towards each member and acts purely as a slanging forum where most members dont infact settle their differences but rather imflame them.
i0n said:
From my experience such 'flame forums' just breed contempt towards each member and acts purely as a slanging forum where most members dont infact settle their differences but rather imflame them.
i agree. if there was any arguement, it should stay in its thread so that we have everyones opinions about one topic. we dont need more users hating each other.
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Well then lol I guess it is a bad idea I will no longer bring this topic up again ><
Oxywolf said:
Well then lol I guess it is a bad idea I will no longer bring this topic up again ><

nah dont be silly :)

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