Halo 3 ending

Wii-Fi said:
maybe bungie won't be making the next halo game. Seriously i think this is just another gimmick. People (dumb, weirdo people) will protest outside of some microsoft building and Halo will make a comeback and everyone will be happy. (mostly the company from generating the free publicity.) Don't believe it? remember the Beanie Babies?

What happened to the beanie babys?
Syntax said:
Bungie has already confirmed that there will be no more Halo games and that they will be pursuing other games.
Do you know who is developing Halo Wars? I downloaded a trailer on it and it looks pretty good, though I do like RTS games so it's up my alley.
Dude ending on halo 3, when he climbs into the freezer thing, you can only see if you beat the game on Legendary.
JAKE196 said:
so i just watched the super extended w/e version on you tube and I'm wondering, why do ppl say master chief dies? he is clearly in one of those sleep thing in sci-fi movies where you don't age. . . (criogenic sleep or something)

or is there an EXTENDED extended version. . .

i wouldn't know don't got the game.

plz don't flame. . .

When you complete the game on legendary, there is a bit more

I think the reason people think he is dead is because they cant be bothered to sit through the credits, you only find out he is still alive after them
Hobbit said:
Dude ending on halo 3, when he climbs into the freezer thing, you can only see if you beat the game on Legendary.
no..... i beat it on Normal, and still saw the ending where he goes into cryogenic sleep.

i havent even beaten the game on legendary or heroic yet....
Syntax said:
Bungie has already confirmed that there will be no more Halo games and that they will be pursuing other games.
Actually they didn't. They confirmed there would be no more games in the Halo SERIES. They admitted that there was always the possibility of another Halo game that did not continue from where the last one left off.
Remember guys, Metroid Prime was a spinoff of Metroid.

Oh, and by the way... People don't buy Nintendo's systems for Metroid; they buy the systems for Zelda, and Mario, and Smash Bros. AND of course, the aforementioned Metroid. Ironically, Microsoft's XBOX division, which practically lives off of third-party developers, depends solely on the Halo series. It always has, from day one. Nintendo, on the other hand, depends on the slue of first-party titles it has going for it. That means Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Mario Kart, blah blah blah and so on so forth. The Wii does have it's killer apps. Hell, I'd even say that Twilight Princess (which released on day one, alongside the Wii) could have been one of the Wii's many killer apps, if only it was not a direct port from the Gamecube version.
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