Has anyone got the conduit yet?


Jun 16, 2009
Wii Online Code
does anybody have the conduit yet? it was set to release today in the US and i preordered mine online to go pick it up from gamestop. and they still haven;t called me.
why would they call you? don't you just go get it?
I don't have it btw. I screwed up my preorder money :/
I just called gamestop for my preorder sine i never got the pre-recorded call, they said they didnt have any in, and that it didnt show any in my region (NW) on it's way.

He supposedly is gonna call corprate & find out on the eta & said to call back later, but looks like relase date screwed, which figures.
Gamestop will probably have it tomorrow. It was released today, which means they should have it in stock sometime tomorrow.
Yeah, about an hour ago i got the pre-recorded gamestop phone call, saying it will be in tomorrow.
gamestop on my end will gewt Conduit tomorrow so they called me to tell me (well Ashley did) the Conduit will arrive there tomorrow at noon.
i also went into gamestop they also told me what Ashley said.

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