I'm not entirely sure if this belongs here, but...
As you can probobly tell by my username, I hate Pokemon. I wasn't always like this. I loved Pokemon Crystal(My first Pokemon game!), and Yellow deserved a "meh" at best.
Then Came Ruby and Sapphire. It was then I realized that they were just releasing the same game with different paint on and new clothes for all the little animals. Ok, so there were a few new features(such as underwater exploration and double battles, which i both enjoyed) but they might as well not even bother changing the name.
Pokemon is stagnating, and fast. I mean, after you release a creature based on GOD, where else can you go? Releasing Pokemon based on the freaking planets?
Here's how to stop killing Pokemon:
-Get some original ideas for Pokemon. Better yet, get some people who design fake Pokemon and use their ideas.
-Kill the teams: I mean, you expect us that every region has some evil conglomerate that wants to Take Over/Destroy/Flood/Dry Out the world? And that this evil conglomerate is unrelated to the other 50 evil conglomerates out there?
-Kill region exclusitivity: Make it so we can go to any region, and even chose which region we start from.
-Customization: I mean, c'mon! In the games, we're supposed to be, what, 10, maybe 12, years old? Let us chose our appearences to a Degree other than male and female!
-Events: Take these behind a toolshed and put a shotgun to their face. No one likes events, because they either are too hard to find or don't last long enough. And who REALLY wants to go all to some stupid Ruin in some obscure location that we've probobly overlooked throughout the whole game and bring a specific item/pokemon to get some other Pokemon? If you're going to keep events, at least make them something Akin to DLC that we can get without having to go to a specific location.
Elite [STRIKE]4[/STRIKE] [STRIKE]8[/STRIKE] [STRIKE]16[/STRIKE]How many are their now?: you expect us to believe that the however many most powerful trainers in the whole freaking world just sit around while the sky is falling? At least Wallace and Steven did something other than sit around in their comfy Ever Grande Tower.
Trading: This has always been a pet peeve of mine; not trading itself, but evolution via trading.(looking squarely at you, GENGAR.) Why must we trade with another person just to get our magical 2-armed Macho Man to turn into a Magical 4-armed Macho Man?
Something else to do: After completing the main game, they're pretty much nothing else to do other than catch all the Pokemon in the universe, or beat the Champ AGAIN. At least Gold/Silver/Crystal included the option to go to Kanto and beat THEIR leauge.
More Than one Person at a time: And I don't mean via WiFi Connection. I mean the ability for more than one person to be in a region, chose their own starter, and beat everyone else's Magical Electric Cats to a pulp. Or, in the common tounge: Pokemon MMO, anyone?
Kill the Anime: Enough said. It's been no good since the second series. For those of you who don't know, that's way back in 2000. The anime hasn' t been good since then, and if you disagree, than you are either stupid, a Nintendo Executive, or under 10.
New Battle Cries: Ok, we've been recycling and updating the same sound files for Pikachu since what? 1990? Isn't it about time for a bit of an update to battle cries? Or would that knock Pokemon fans so far out of their sense of complacancy that their heads would explode?
These are expressly my opinions and do not nessacarily affect the opinions of anyone else related to me.
If you can think of anything else that can be done to stop Pokemon from stagnating, please say so.
As you can probobly tell by my username, I hate Pokemon. I wasn't always like this. I loved Pokemon Crystal(My first Pokemon game!), and Yellow deserved a "meh" at best.
Then Came Ruby and Sapphire. It was then I realized that they were just releasing the same game with different paint on and new clothes for all the little animals. Ok, so there were a few new features(such as underwater exploration and double battles, which i both enjoyed) but they might as well not even bother changing the name.
Pokemon is stagnating, and fast. I mean, after you release a creature based on GOD, where else can you go? Releasing Pokemon based on the freaking planets?
Here's how to stop killing Pokemon:
-Get some original ideas for Pokemon. Better yet, get some people who design fake Pokemon and use their ideas.
-Kill the teams: I mean, you expect us that every region has some evil conglomerate that wants to Take Over/Destroy/Flood/Dry Out the world? And that this evil conglomerate is unrelated to the other 50 evil conglomerates out there?
-Kill region exclusitivity: Make it so we can go to any region, and even chose which region we start from.
-Customization: I mean, c'mon! In the games, we're supposed to be, what, 10, maybe 12, years old? Let us chose our appearences to a Degree other than male and female!
-Events: Take these behind a toolshed and put a shotgun to their face. No one likes events, because they either are too hard to find or don't last long enough. And who REALLY wants to go all to some stupid Ruin in some obscure location that we've probobly overlooked throughout the whole game and bring a specific item/pokemon to get some other Pokemon? If you're going to keep events, at least make them something Akin to DLC that we can get without having to go to a specific location.
Elite [STRIKE]4[/STRIKE] [STRIKE]8[/STRIKE] [STRIKE]16[/STRIKE]How many are their now?: you expect us to believe that the however many most powerful trainers in the whole freaking world just sit around while the sky is falling? At least Wallace and Steven did something other than sit around in their comfy Ever Grande Tower.
Trading: This has always been a pet peeve of mine; not trading itself, but evolution via trading.(looking squarely at you, GENGAR.) Why must we trade with another person just to get our magical 2-armed Macho Man to turn into a Magical 4-armed Macho Man?
Something else to do: After completing the main game, they're pretty much nothing else to do other than catch all the Pokemon in the universe, or beat the Champ AGAIN. At least Gold/Silver/Crystal included the option to go to Kanto and beat THEIR leauge.
More Than one Person at a time: And I don't mean via WiFi Connection. I mean the ability for more than one person to be in a region, chose their own starter, and beat everyone else's Magical Electric Cats to a pulp. Or, in the common tounge: Pokemon MMO, anyone?
Kill the Anime: Enough said. It's been no good since the second series. For those of you who don't know, that's way back in 2000. The anime hasn' t been good since then, and if you disagree, than you are either stupid, a Nintendo Executive, or under 10.
New Battle Cries: Ok, we've been recycling and updating the same sound files for Pikachu since what? 1990? Isn't it about time for a bit of an update to battle cries? Or would that knock Pokemon fans so far out of their sense of complacancy that their heads would explode?
These are expressly my opinions and do not nessacarily affect the opinions of anyone else related to me.
If you can think of anything else that can be done to stop Pokemon from stagnating, please say so.