i'm soooooo jealous of you guys living up north...

NeMeZyZ said:
....i''ve been living in miami beach my whole life, and the tropical life is getting VERY boring. the main reason is bcuz it's too hot and eversince little i loved the cold weather. and i'm planning on moving up and interested in tenesee, north carolina or *colorado*

I know how you feel. I spent half my life growing up in Florida, I was born there. I now live in Washington. It's a BIG climate change. I absolutely love the cold, foggy, rainy weather, so I don't mind Washington's weather much. I also lived in Colorado, the weather can get old...and fast...it's a nice vacation spot, though. If you like rain and fog, move to Washington. It'll take time to get over all the weirdos here, though. So many goths, emos and sexual offenders >.<

In warmer climates, such as Florida, there are less serial killers and more random shootings such as gangs and whatnot. Up north, in the colder climate, there are more serial killer and twisted people. Tons of serial killers came from Washington. Don't ask me why, that's just how it is. Though, we haven't had serial killers up here in a long time.

You'll notice a lot of grungy people who like to be "different". It takes getting used to. As long as you find the right people to hang out, I'm sure you'd love it.
...I love the cold wheather as well.....but I live in Colorado and let me tell you the wheather is unpredictable I wouldn't recommend it....last year there wasn't any snow on the ground for Christmas! Now if you really want cold wheather go to Michagan or Iowa!
But beware the cold wheather will get annoying after awhile.

PS Colorado isn't bad but be sure to live near a safe area...we have some problems in CO lol....
Every one in work had on there coats on the main floor
I was in my tshirt near the door
And I wasnt cold
Miami is great, for vacation. Living there would get boring quick with all the heat. I live in New Jersey and we go through all 4 seasons so it's impossible to get bored with one climate as it switches frequently.
i live in the bay area (about 30 miles from San Francisco) and for the most part, the weather is perfect here. the hotest day is probably 98-102 that last for about 3 days... and cold days... well i cant say anything cuz im always cold.... all i know is that i like the snow, but i wouldnt live in it..
I_WANT_WII said:
I've been getting frequent snowfalls here but tehy never stay, but I have noticed puddles icing up. bad driving conditions= no school
Not back here...we only get rain latly
if you want cold come to Minnesota boy
in the Winter it can easily get down to the negatives, a lot of the time hitting between -10 to -20, then add the windchill factor
its cool cause you can freeze a banana within a minute when its that cold, sorry random but its fun to do
the summers get relativly hot here though, hitting in the eighties and above. Most the time high eighties, to low ninties, with the occasional high ninties to one hundreds.
Snow is also pretty nice here to, especially in the norther part, you get a bunch of snow.
anyways Minnesota is a pretty nice spot!