Is this racist?


Proud Protestant
Jan 26, 2008
Landan, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northe
Wii Online Code
I found this another forum I was browsing on. Needless to say, it drove me insane. For the sake of the ethnic group, I have edited out their identity. '-' dnoted them.

I really hate the -. Why the **** do they not just get out of my country? They have come here from their own shitty -, and claim jobs here which our native people deserve. They are sub-human- they conquer and take lands ehich do not belong to them, and sadly it seems they are doing the exact same thing in my country, a once half-decent state. I have my full support to the terrorist organizations that have devoted their lives to the desruction of the -. It's a real shame- we had our chance as humans to exterminate the - during the Holocaust. That should have been his main goal- and if it was, then the world would now be a happier place.

The real shocking thing was that when I tried to bring racism charges to an administrator about him, they refused to do anything- the worst he recieved was a minor flaming from a moderator for the Hitler comment.
Yes, that was racist. Very uncalled for remark.
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Just another patriotic racist (obviously), nothing shocking. There's still many of them floating around the country today, including some of today's youth with their immature ignorance.
Yeah that is definitely racist...

I don't understand how that can be seen as not racist.
You should try contacting one of the other moderators, one who may feel the same way, and get him to contact the administrator and or ban the user. That is, if he has the powers to do so. Unfortunately, none of this will change that users opinion.
Why do people like this still exist?
I think ur right on this being incredibly racist but i also believe this to be a troll. Im don't know what forum you got this off but this was obvisoly made to make people angry and start a flame war. To be honest i think this is what the mods of the other website think. Banning him would just make him happier and then he would just go and toll a another website.
Of course this is all speculation because i don't know enough of the facts.
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Now, because I have formatted in the ethnicity, does it seem any less racist? here it is in its entirity:

I really hate the English. Why the **** do they not just get out of my country? They have come here from their own shitty England, and claim jobs here which our native people deserve. They are sub-human- they conquer and take lands ehich do not belong to them, and sadly it seems they are doing the exact same thing in my country, a once half-decent state. I have my full support to the terrorist organizations (IRA) that have devoted their lives to the desruction of the evil English race. It's a real shame- we had our chance as humans to exterminate the English during the Holocaust. That should have been his main goal- and if it was, then the world would now be a happier place.
YES, IT FLIPPING IS. Me being English, I take extreme offense to this. Why do the world hate the English? What the hell did we do?
That wouldn't make it less racist in the slightest.

Why do the world hate the English?
A few sociopath Irish nationalists in question hardly equal "the world."
Let's keep in mind you're not exactly an oppressed race =)
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Yeh, but I was on Xbox Live, and all these Americans were taking the mick out of my accent and everything, and how much 'they hate the English' and how 'We made a language and we can't ****ing speak it,' etc.

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