isnt this very frustrating?


Let There Be Rock
Oct 24, 2007
Wii Online Code
heres the deal. whenever something bad happens at my house, the blame is put on me and usually its correct. but on those rare instances when even if i am not the one to blame, my parents wont believe me. when i yell at them that i didnt do anything wrong, my mom says, "your yelling shows that you are guilty". what are you supposed to do, just keep quiet?
Just keep calm.

Really shouting about the place and getting worked up about things never used to work for me either. Then I grew up and realised I just needed to let it go over my head. Now if they blame me for something, (which they often still do, even though I'm only really here at night just to sleep) I just tell them it wasn't, and if they don't want to believe me then that's their problem. You should try it. Just let it go over you man.
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Just keep calm.

Really shouting about the place and getting worked up about things never used to work for me either. Then I grew up and realised I just needed to let it go over my head. Now if they blame me for something, (which they often still do, even though I'm only really here at night just to sleep) I just tell them it wasn't, and if they don't want to believe me then that's their problem. You should try it. Just let it go over you man.

i even did that in couple of scenarios but still they dont believe me. if i keep qiiet, they say that he is quiet cause he is guilty. lol
Lol, yeah it's frustrating.
Just tell them you know you wasn't responsible so you're not worried. :)
Just lay face first on the ground with your arms at your side.

A guilty person would not do that.
only a guilty person would make a thread about it!

yelling won't help the situation.
have you repeatedly lied about not doing something that you did in hopes they wouldnt find out it was you?
if so, then you backed yourself into this corner.
next time theyre yelling at you, dont say anything until they stop yelling at you. stay calm.
Tell them their wrong, if they don't beleive you, just "whatever" and walk away. Seriously, what's the worst that could happen? "Oh noez! I'm grounded!"
Hadouken or Shorukyn, either is a respective alternative to the above.
Tell them their wrong, if they don't beleive you, just "whatever" and walk away. Seriously, what's the worst that could happen? "Oh noez! I'm grounded!"

worst response so far. very disrespectful
*Agrees with Adam & Rachy*

worst response so far. very disrespectful

You could be like my little brother and attempt some convoluted reason to explain (in the most arrogant manner possible) why it couldn't be your fault.

On second thoughts, don't be like my little brother.
This is coming from a parent, so I'm on the other side of the coin. To yell back is the worst thing you could do, besides saying "whatever" and walking away. If you were my child and did that, you would not ever want to try that again. You have to learn to respect your elders, especially your parents. Believe it or not, there is always a reason for what we do, and it is always to try and teach you something, or make you a better person. You know, teaching right from wrong. Just stay calm and tell your side. If you are at fault, man up and admit it. You will be better off in the long run. Remember the truth is ALWAYS the best choice. The most important thing is to be honest and accept the consequences of your actions. I understand how you feel. I'm an only child, so I was blamed for everything also, and as you, I was usually at fault. When you become an adult and look back, you will thank your parents for what they are doing now.

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