Man returns gutted 360, gets money back


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
Look every one I posted in the 360 section.
(Do have one rarely play on it)
But this proves how dumb store people are
Game shop employees pay attention; a North American store employee has shared pictures of an incident in his store, where a cheeky customer received a full refund for an Xbox 360... minus its innards.

The naughty swindler returned the plastic shell of the console with a weighty medical book stuffed inside. "There were some VGA cables for a computer and an old parallel printer cable," says the game shop employee, who apparently wasn't responsible for the refund.

"The only thing that actually belonged in the box was the headset and the ethernet cable," he says in this forum post.
The fooled employee explains: "the guy that was working that morning was by himself, so we cannot under any circumstances leave the dept. So the girls that work at the service desk were told to see if everything is in the box, and approve," he continues. "Obviously they did not do a very good job." Girls eh?

There's one cheeky git out there then with a naked Xbox 360 and $400 USD in cash, unfortunately the forum user doesn't name the store at which he works, so we're going to have to keep our consoles clothed for the time being.
Now you see haveing worked in a inde games store this has never happend to me (we did check)
The store staff should have known better to check the console before actually handing him over the $400.00.. I wouldn't be surprised if the employee working there at the time got fired..
Heh. You think they would be able to see that the 360 was mostly empty, if they would actually check.
You would think so. However, in this case the staff obviously weren't thinking.
lol, that's funny! Those employees must have been pretty dumb...
I would personally congratulate him on such an excellent plan. If the store employees don't carry out their jobs properly, then there will always be people like this who will easily walk around them.
oh wow that is great..:lol: ..well thats there own fault for not checking...and i agree with u Byuakuya i would def congratulate that man.
lol thats good stuff... like some people said they atleast plug the system up and make sure its turned on... now what im thinking he cased this store out for awhile seen how they handled returns and who did them and who had the least experience and then he made his move on the female or was working who had little experience... kudos to this guy!