Modded Wii became a brick! Someone help??

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WiiChat Member
Dec 5, 2009
Ok, so i have a modded wii my bro fixed me up with. Everything went smoothly at first, saved plenty of games to the harddrive, it didnt freeze too often, and games worked like a charm! That is, until i downloaded a game, Resident Evil Archieves. My bro. didnt do a very good job explaining how everything worked with the mods and i ended up getting Resident Evil, PAL first, the game kept saying there was an error on downloading the game. but i simply thought there was something wrong with how i burned it to a i changed the burning speed to the lowest possible and it actually downloaded it.....and then the problems occured. it was now very commonly freezing up and when it actually WOULD run the game, it was in black and white, no color.

But now, about a week later, ive tried to fix it and now....This is all it does. When i turn it on, it goes to the BootMii Thing as usual. But if i try to go to the wii channel menu, or the homebrew thing, it goes to a black screen and freezes. I HAD a backup SD card in it but a friend who said he knew how to fix it accidentially backed up the wii AFTER all this happened! So now i have a brick sitting beside me....ive tried playing it without the SD card, without the Hard Drive connected, and the wii alone like usual but it doesnt change a thing...

Somebody, is there any possible way to get rid of the PAL game and make everything right in my world again?? Please help...v.v...
It bricked.Check you blocks when you download,
This thread needs to be deleted or locked because this is talking about "Hacks"

there's no rule against it. :/
Actually, there is:

18. No Warez
Posting up and asking for illegal warez is strictly prohibited. This includes but is not limited to: ROMs, isos, and game cracks. Violation of this Rule will usually result anywhere from a Warning to a Ban, depending on the offence.
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