Next-Next Gen


WiiChat Member
Aug 14, 2006
I thought I would shake up some discussion on what possibilities there are for the next-next gen of consoles.

Sony have already announced plans for a PS4, and based on the shelf life expectation of 10 years for PS3, we can expect their next console out in time for Christmas in 2016. I can't even begin to imagine what graphics and improvements will have been created in the next 10 years to give PS4 the real-life graphics we would all expect by 2016.

As a side note there have been a few articles floating about that mention the PS6 or PS7 combining electronics with the unsurpassable processing speed of organic materials (think the human brain). I'm pretty sure this was tongue-in-cheek but... food for thought. I'm guessing the absolute earliest this would come out would be 2030.

And no, I'm not forgetting Nintendo. I think we can expect if the Wii goes well to see more consoles by Nintendo. If they continue to revolutionize, who knows what they may come up with. I could almost hope for a complete virtual reality experience. The Wii-mote is the first step, by interfacing the players wrist and arm movements into code the console can understand. It is not a very big leap to the high-tech virtual reality goggles of the future. I hope though that Nintendo squeeze in another console between now and 2016.

The Xbox 720 (what a name!)... well... I can't really say much. It will boot on the latest unstable version of the Windows Operating System, need twice as much RAM and CPU power to create a gaming experience, and will get so hot during play that you can fry an egg on top of it while playing Halo. I really think Microsoft could make something out of this... the all in one computer/console/breakfast maker.

Perhaps in the future there is room for another company to rise, and blow us away with a gaming system we just can't imagine right now? Will hell freeze over and return Sega to it's glory days? Only time will tell..
I like your post if you turn of the ps4 the graphics on your tv will be so good your head will explode :lol: Here is my view on all games actually I think it will go into virutal reality where we plug in and can run talk and drive shoot kill and even feel. Imagine that be able to run around with mario that is where I think it will be heading complete virtual reality I wander what next next next gen will be like :D
Lord Haku said:
I like your post if you turn of the ps4 the graphics on your tv will be so good your head will explode :lol: Here is my view on all games actually I think it will go into virutal reality where we plug in and can run talk and drive shoot kill and even feel. Imagine that be able to run around with mario that is where I think it will be heading complete virtual reality I wander what next next next gen will be like :D

dude i highly doubt that. the future is never what you think.

remember when we thought by the year 2000 we would be living like the jetsons? yeah thats one example

ii could think of a billion more
at the most i would think they would include voice interaction. and games that you can just download and play, or they sell flash cards at the store instead of disks. i dont know. think advanced but not that advanced.
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Personally I think Back to the Future II got the future pretty close in some ways. Widescreen wall hanging TVs, thumbprints (it's coming, don't you worry).... it got a lot of things wrong too. Err.. flying cars, for one.
Guys, the Wii is extremely close to virtual reality, think, just add goggles that are mini tvs in front of your eyes then you use the wiimotes, its not that far at all!!!!

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