Nintendo ignoring online play.

Uhhh I highly doubt Online Play will EVER be as good as on Live or even the Playstation Network.

Its just not going to happen.

Not as long as they're mindless legions of idiotic kids with Wiis who Nintendo feels need to be protected from the dangers of the internet (pedos, scams, etc.)

We can't even play random people of OUR CHOOSING Online right now. That says a LOT. We STILL have the Friends Code system for goodness sakes!

If Nintendo was smart then they'd give us OPTIONS and improve the quality of Online ASAP.

In addition Nintendo needs to create a hard drive for the Wii now. And fix the problems with the VC channel.

End Rant
MasterJedi2U said:
Uhhh I highly doubt Online Play will EVER be as good as on Live or even the Playstation Network.

Its just not going to happen.

Not as long as they're mindless legions of idiotic kids with Wiis who Nintendo feels need to be protected from the dangers of the internet (pedos, scams, etc.)

We can't even play random people of OUR CHOOSING Online right now. That says a LOT. We STILL have the Friends Code system for goodness sakes!

If Nintendo was smart then they'd give us OPTIONS and improve the quality of Online ASAP.

In addition Nintendo needs to create a hard drive for the Wii now. And fix the problems with the VC channel.

End Rant

I agree with the fact that only fighting people that you have as a friend code is a horrible idea. There should be a lobby where anybody could fight anybody currently online. If Nintendo's worrying about kids and strangers, then just disable chat features so there can be no conversing.
before a week ago, i would have agreed with you. heres why im disagrreing:

Online Games So Far:

Fifa 08
Mario Kart Wii
Medal of Honour: Heroes 2
Battalion Wars 2
Mario Football

Those are most of them i think. Thats not a bad line up for a consol 7 months old...
@Warrior: What the hell are you talking about, 6 of those games you mentioned are not even released yet. You should word your posts differently to make them more understandable.
MasterJedi2U said:
Not as long as they're mindless legions of idiotic kids with Wiis who Nintendo feels need to be protected from the dangers of the internet (pedos, scams, etc.)

We can't even play random people of OUR CHOOSING Online right now. That says a LOT. We STILL have the Friends Code system for goodness sakes!

Nintendo probably isn't going to give us options--but 3rd parties apparently can. Nintendo allows playing random strangers when there is no ability to communicate. But Madden '08 uses EA's own servers, has text chat, and has no FCs. That's another reason I'm excited about Heroes 2--if it follows Madden '08 and uses EA Nation, presumably it could ignore FCs completely. I was saddened that no BT headset was announced at E3 though. I'm starting to think the game (IGN says Nov 2007) will come out before any headset.

On the other hand--Disney has some sort of social networking program they will be integrating into future DS games. Off hand it sounds like a violation of everything good and friend-codish, so we'll see.

FR said:
If Nintendo's worrying about kids and strangers, then just disable chat features so there can be no conversing.

A) That's a dumb idea for a massive multuplayer FPS--chat is important for achieving objectives as a team, and it can be fun as long as you are able to boot annoyances, B) that's exactly the route Nintendo took with Strikers, and possibly other titles as well.
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i think nintendo should stop rolling in the money they are raking in with the wii and ds and start furthering their success by improving online. also improve with the vc problem, we want a harddrive!
I believe nintendo is Somewhat Serious with it, but they are also afraid of Moving forward, they are not Use to Online Gaming, it is completely new to them, they started with the nintendo DS which was a big step. Microsoft, decided to place internet because they are use to it as they created the Internet, as for sony they started with the PS2 so they have experience, nintendo has just started.
braschlosa said:
I seem to remember online play on the Super NES......
Snes was never Online..there wasn't enough Technology. It is Impossible for it to have online Game play
Harakuro said:
Snes was never Online..there wasn't enough Technology. It is Impossible for it to have online Game play

That's not true. Actually there was a short-lived module you could buy call the "XBand" modem on which you could play multiplayer games online. Come to think of it there was one available for the SNES and other consoles. It resembled the Game Genie only it had a phone cord sticking out of the side.

When I say 'short-lived' I mean short-lived. It snuck under everyone's radar and the internet at that time wasn't in enough homes nor had the capablities it has today for online gaming as we know it.
looks like you learn something new every day thanks sss

i don't think nintendo is ignoring online play, if naything i think it's welcoming it

just nintendo style
Harakuro said:
Snes was never Online..there wasn't enough Technology. It is Impossible for it to have online Game play
The Xband that SixStringedStress mentions was one technology. There was also a satellite service called Stellaview.

The genesis had xband as well as a SEGA branded modem that attached to the back of the system.

Rep for SixStringedStress for remembering xband
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SixStringedStress said:
That's not true. Actually there was a short-lived module you could buy call the "XBand" modem on which you could play multiplayer games online. Come to think of it there was one available for the SNES and other consoles. It resembled the Game Genie only it had a phone cord sticking out of the side.

When I say 'short-lived' I mean short-lived. It snuck under everyone's radar and the internet at that time wasn't in enough homes nor had the capablities it has today for online gaming as we know it.
Two to One, well you proved me wrong, i suppose i should have researched more.

Edit: @ Braschlosa, yes i did know you could play it online, as i owned the game, however, it was Sega that was created the game, more Specific Sonic Team, the online was monitured by Sega, not nintendo, the game was originally created for the Dreamcast, therefore that MMORPG does not count as nintendo being online, as Nintendo was not in charge for the online whats so ever. I am not as much of a noob as you think i am, i am from Japan where gaming is made. So i know quite some stuff about Nintendo. like i can tell you one thing right now, Nintendo Started off by making trading card Games. which right there Proves i am not a noob.
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