Now that the conduit is out..


WiiChat Member
Apr 11, 2009
Wii Online Code
What does everyone think?
I think its pretty good...well worth the $50.
I do understand why IGN and everyone else is giving it 8's. Its just because of the single player mode. The online is what defines the conduit...and its extremely fun.

I probably wont even finish the single player mode. I've only played one mission so far.
The game wouldnt be worth the money for someone who doesnt have WFC.

Its a great online everyone with Nintendo WFC should pick it up.
I agree. THe story mode doesn't seem so great so far, but all I really cared about was if the online delivered, and it sure did! BTW, I added you. so plz add me back if its not too much trouble. thanks.
The single player mode is pretty good. I look at other FPS and it's about the same. I guess the story is not for everyone but the game plays great and the amount of enimes on screen adds to the fun. Other FPS even it be on PS3 or 360 it pretty much has a crappy story and no one seems to complain. I guess everyone was expecting to much. The multi player options is great. So far I have had no lag issues and the controls are the best to be had on any home system FPS. If I was to rank the game I would rank it 9.0 for what did on a so call last gen console.
spakkmannn may I add u to my conduit? my fc code is in my sig.
Single player is good, and I also find it pretty hard. I'm only on the 3rd highest difficulty out of the five, and yeah, I've died quite a bit so far. Of course you can't blame me because the AI are freakin' accurate with their grenades which pretty much take you out in one hit, and those aliens with the strike rifles come at you at about ten at a time with their guns all charged for the sniper shot and drill you right in the face instantly. At least that's how it seems. Multiplayer is also good, except for the matchmaking issues and not being able to run really fast. And everyone seems to be obsessed with the streets level; it would be nice to see some of the other ones for a change. But anyways, I find this game to be pretty awesome, and I recommend that everyone gets it.
What does everyone think?
I think its pretty good...well worth the $50.
I do understand why IGN and everyone else is giving it 8's. Its just because of the single player mode. The online is what defines the conduit...and its extremely fun.

I probably wont even finish the single player mode. I've only played one mission so far.
The game wouldnt be worth the money for someone who doesnt have WFC.

Its a great online everyone with Nintendo WFC should pick it up.

I bet it's better than Halo.
The game looks alright. Will give it a rent to play it through the story. From what I've seen, online looks...lackluster.
If you're buying it to play alone its nothing special but thats not the reason anyone should buy it. As everyone has said the multiplayer is a blast. I dunno if it's better or worse than Halo, I think its similar in many regards. But the wii controls make it so much fun.

I do agree I wish you could run faster. I also think it woulda been better if you couldn't lock onto someone in multiplayer as it makes it a little easy. The connection issues and the black screen bug are definitely annoyances. If there was anything else like this on the wii I think nobody would be at all excited, but we're all starved for this. I've been waiting 3 years as I'm sure some of you have. I'll take what I can get and what I can get is pretty damn fun. :)
If you're buying it to play alone its nothing special but thats not the reason anyone should buy it. As everyone has said the multiplayer is a blast. I dunno if it's better or worse than Halo, I think its similar in many regards. But the wii controls make it so much fun.

I do agree I wish you could run faster. I also think it woulda been better if you couldn't lock onto someone in multiplayer as it makes it a little easy. The connection issues and the black screen bug are definitely annoyances. If there was anything else like this on the wii I think nobody would be at all excited, but we're all starved for this. I've been waiting 3 years as I'm sure some of you have. I'll take what I can get and what I can get is pretty damn fun. :)

True, but online just doesn't have the features that make it fun. I tend to get bored of playing online without any form of communication. After playing MoH2 online, I find the Wii's online to be a living hell.

The single player will make it worthwhile for a rental and will probably satisfy me as I'm going in with low expectations.
If you have an XBOX and a PS3 then I can see why it would be nothing to be excited about. Except for the fact that the motion controls make it a much more immersive experience. I have used wiispeak in a private game and it worked well once I got a little closer to the TV. I haven't tried any of the other online FPS games though.

If you've got low expectations then it won't disappoint. But I still think once you try the multiplayer for a few games you'll enjoy it.
I bought the Conduit the day it came out. It's a pretty solid game. It's not groundbreaking or original in any way but its a great game with a decent online mode, which is great to play to pass the time every now and again. The single player mode is actually pretty difficult, which surprised me. I'm stuck on a portion of part 3 haha.
to be honest, the game's online feels a little clunky. the customization is great though, and i haven't experienced any lag yet, but i feel like world at war's online just seems smoother and more polished. oh, and the conduit's visuals were overhyped to say the least. i find it hard to believe that people were mistaking this for a 360 game. not to say it doesn't look pretty, but i feel world at war's visuals also trumped those of the conduit.

disappointing...looks like my world at war won't be collecting dust like i thought it would. sigh.

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