Pokemon X/Y

It's obviously pointless to argue with you about this. Math is the way we have interpreted everything. The laws of nature and everything that has ever existed is explained mathematically as a way for us to understand it.
I deeply fear for your sanity, MR.

It's obviously pointless to argue with you about this. Math is the way we have interpreted everything. The laws of nature and everything that has ever existed is explained mathematically as a way for us to understand it.
Math has always existed. We are merely interpreting math. And we are delving deeper into it and not creating it
Only a Sith deals in absolutes...

Back on topic! Anyone got any news for X and Y?
So that's a yes. What's the word?

Math is logicEverything follows mathHalf of biology is ever changing which is why I don't trust the theories in Biology because they follow no logic. The other half is pure memorization.Biology: Almost pure memorizationChemistry: Half memorization and half logicPhysics: Almost pure logicMath: Absolute Logic
How the heck did I miss this?! This stuff is comedic gold. Sorry, had to get that out.
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"The Pokemon Company president recently confirmed the games will have around 700 Pokemon total."



Always been a history guy myself... and physics.

Tell me MR. Being such a fan of math, do you fear physics? The thing that can ruin all the bit of logic math makes?

Math, as you have stated, is the logic that explains to us how things are the way they are. Take for example, time.

Time = Distance / Speed

or weight

Weight = (Mass) (Acceleration due to gravity)

or hell, even gravity itself, AKA Newton's Law of Universal Gravity.

But Physics... now Physics is what shows us that all these common things we think to be fact, logic, are all... relative. Perceived.

Physics can bend these "Laws of Nature."

In the advance stuff, you may learn of a situation that makes 4 - 52 = 10.

Most of us already knew time is relative, but Physics explains that there is much more to it than that. Time, and really physics itself, is affected differently under different circumstances.

...Where's your god now?


Always been a history guy myself... and physics.

Tell me MR. Being such a fan of math, do you fear physics? The thing that can ruin all the bit of logic math makes?

Math, as you have stated, is the logic that explains to us how things are the way they are. Take for example, time.

Time = Distance / Speed

or weight

Weight = (Mass) (Acceleration due to gravity)

or hell, even gravity itself, AKA Newton's Law of Universal Gravity.

But Physics... now Physics is what shows us that all these common things we think to be fact, logic, are all... relative. Perceived.

Physics can bend these "Laws of Nature."

In the advance stuff, you may learn of a situation that makes 4 - 52 = 10

Most of us already knew time is relative, but Physics explains that there is much more to it than that. Time, and really physics itself, is affected differently under different circumstances.

...Where's your god now?
Well for starters we only know a little about the universe. Can you tell me the shape of space, or can you explain the tension of the universe and expansion of the universe, or perhaps the space-time distortion?
Simply put some of our equations in physics are inadequate because we have yet to define the "dials" the universe or how those "dials" change over time (Basically we don't even know if our constants are constant). Sometimes in Physics you are running with too many assumptions.

Even if the "Laws of Nature" seem to bend, math still works and math can even explain it. We simply have too many undefined variables or a lack of information and some of that information can only be obtained outside of our dimensional boundaries.
How can we claim that logic does not work if we do not possess enough information?
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"The Pokemon Company president recently confirmed the games will have around 700 Pokemon total."

Only 50 new ones?!
So that's a yes. What's the word?
Dunno anything off the top of my head, but there's probably stuff if you want me to search BMGf sometime.
I can't wait for it to come out. when will we be able to per-order it?
I already know when it's coming out ( in October ) I wanted to know if it was avadible to pre-order and if so, when...