Red Steel 2 First Look In Next NGamer


Let There Be Rock
Oct 24, 2007
Wii Online Code
British publication NGamer are set to feature a first look at Red Steel 2, the highly-anticipated sequel to the slashy/shooty Wii launch title.

Red Steel 2 is an elusive beast; Ubisoft haven't confirmed much beyond its existence, and the fact that it's set to support the waggle-enhancing MotionPlus accessory. Beyond that, gamers are completely in the dark.

However, it looks as though Red Steel 2 is in a presentable state right now, as the "Next Month" page in Issue #34 of British Nintendo magazine NGamer promises to feature a first look at Red Steel 2 and "MotionPlus swordsmanship" in the May 2009 issue, which will hit news stands on Wednesday March 25th.

Ubisoft have slated Red Steel 2 for a Q4 2009 release, which gives you plenty of time to catch on the highly-anticipated sequel's flawed yet admirable predecessor.

this is the reason i am keeping my wii! I honestly had a blast with the first game....
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this is the reason i am keeping my wii! I honestly had a blast with the first game....

yeah, i too felt that the first one was slightly underrated. the multiplayer had goldeneye vibe to it.
it sure did, and i liked how you could snipe people across the map with a pistol lol
Hated the sword combat in the first
It really spoiled the game
There was no skill in it as I won them all by waggling the Wiimote
Shooting bits where ok tho
Hated the sword combat in the first
It really spoiled the game
There was no skill in it as I won them all by waggling the Wiimote
Shooting bits where ok tho

agreed, The knife fights really ruined the whole game. every time there was a sword fight comming up i would sigh in hatred.

get rid of the knife fights and it was a good game. reminded me of the time crisis series.
agreed, The knife fights really ruined the whole game. every time there was a sword fight comming up i would sigh in hatred.

get rid of the knife fights and it was a good game. reminded me of the time crisis series.
I was looking forward to them when I herd about them before the game got released
Strange that they would make the player block with one hand and attack with another
Red Steel was pretty fun. It gave you a taste of what the wiimote can do. The problem was that it was overhyped and no one knew how to control the wiimote properly. With the WiiMotionPlus add-on, this becomes my most anticipated game of 2009.
I enjoyed the original (minus the weird swordplay), so I'm looking forward to see what new stuff the sequel will bring to the plate.
Red Steel was the 2nd game i bought for Wii ,and my one of my early favorites at that.

For those who said that you could just waggle to win the sword battles with no skill must of never played to the end with the guy with the poison sword. That boss was a *****

I started playing Red Steel again about 2 months ago then i got some other stuff. I might have to go back to it again. Beat the game without being a nice guy this time.
the early reviews said redsteel sucked but i got it as a gift and loved it
the first first person shooter for wii
and it had a fun offline multiplayer
i dont even know of any other fps that has offline multiplayer
the early reviews said redsteel sucked but i got it as a gift and loved it
the first first person shooter for wii
and it had a fun offline multiplayer
i dont even know of any other fps that has offline multiplayer

Theres loads

Just dont look at EA recent output
I'm excited for this game, hopefully it touches up on a few areas though. It had some great ideas in the first that were never fully reached and hopefully the visuals are a bit nicer.
Red Steel was pretty fun. It gave you a taste of what the wiimote can do. The problem was that it was overhyped and no one knew how to control the wiimote properly. With the WiiMotionPlus add-on, this becomes my most anticipated game of 2009.

Yeah I think the hype was what killed its ratings with most critics. This game easily rates between a 7-8.5. However because it was hyped to be some kinda GOTY candidate, a lot of reviewers dropped it to a 5.5 (I'm looking at ya Gamespot). I think if it was never talked about and just came out of nowhere, it would have gotten the respect it deserved.

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