Street Fighter II Controls


Nintendo Vet
Dec 31, 2007
Chicago, IL
Wii Online Code
Hello, just wondering if anyone's played Super Street Fighter II with the wiimote and not the classic controller. How does it hold up? Is it even possible to play with the wiimote? I want to download this game but don't have the classic controller and don't feel like spending $20 on another controller for my Wii. Any insight would be appreciated!
Wiimote - no chance
It needs six face buttons

If you have ever played in on the Snes/PSX you will know the controller prob
Mainly it needs the six buttons on the face of the controller
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Thanks for the reply. Guess I need to break down and buy a classic controller.
Theres allways a gamecube contorller
But thats even worse for a game like Street fighter

But then again I have no need for it as I have the capcom classics collection
It took me a while, but when I finally coughed up the 20 bucks for my classic controller, I was so glad. It's well worth it if you want to play any SNES games on VC.
SNES stlye pad (comin soon to US/UK) is ok JUST ok for street fighter
The old six button mega drive pad is perfect for it (or try the PS2 street fighter pad)

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