Super Smash Bros. 4

Training mode says yes. new aerial approach adopted hello there b-air -> f-tilt

Trainin' mode also tells me Arcfire -> Arcfire ain't the easiest thing t' do against non-Boozer. No idea if it'l prove useful on For Glory.
Moar Robin vids:

(Mostly about how many times you can use the books and the sword)

Was aware of all'a that in the first video, bar the customs... not that I'm interested in those. But the second video... hoo, that's some handy knowledge. Much appurreciated amigo. I was aware of that knowledge too, but did not know the finer details. Namely how t' do Thoron+ lol.

Guys, go on Smashboards. This forum is not where you find the great smash fans.

but im da gr8est smarsh fan evar

wechat is bes

we even had ghneko on a thrad for liek a week or two once