Super Smash Bros. Brawl "Friend Code Exchange"

hello man

iam sorry iam in holy day i come after 1 or 2 month when i come i tell you men and added you thanks toreply my theard mini thanks
Hey i just added you SSBB code. please add mine - 1075 - 8326 - 6145. btw's my nickname is Rai.
hey, neapolen i added you ssbb fc:0904-6185-6806 wii fc:3184-0615-6978-1525 nickname RidlY
Hey everyone here is my friend code: 4555-3971-5768, name online is Mr TG. Ill add everyone here atm. :yesnod:
Hey, guys, pelase everyone who sees this post, add me to Brawl and let me know via here or via message if you added me and I'll add you as well, I have been looking for people who still play this game very often so I can have some fun like two years ago, thanks, don't forget to give me your codes. My code is there on my signature.
Hey, My SSBB FC is 0518-1824-9084
Please add me and then PM your code by wii
My Wii code is to the left or check my profile
But i generally just play on weekends
If u need a nickname type dan or demon
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Hey guys my name is Marco and im new online my brawl code is 0560 0493 9182 message me with ur Fc or let me know on here thanks and i hope i get to play with u guys :)