The End of The World Is On March 9th!!!!!!!!

♪It's the end of the world as we know it,♪
♪It's the end of the world as we know,♪
♪And I feel fine♪
My friend said while he was unconcious,

"7-19-09... uh... it... all ends..."

And we've feared it ever since.
mark it on your calendar. we all did
maybe he was referring to world hunger, global warming, or Brittaney Spears career
Guys, people have been predicting the end of the world since the world began. Don't buy into it. I remember that black hole thing a couple of months back, half my school didn't come in because they wanted to be with their loved ones.

If you were referring to me as "buying into it", then I'm certainly not. :lol: I simply find things like this funny, because as you said, people have always been predicting the world's end. The odds anyone is right are literally in a decimal place we can't count to-to one.

..But what's this black hole thing you're talking about? Did someone randomly theorize the sun was about to implode? xD!
No, the hydro (something) reactor crap thing that the government paid billions into and it broke. :lol:
I think I know what you're talking about, but.. Link, please? I want to make sure whether or not the world is really, really stupid(or atleast stupider than my general impression).