The 'Official' Post-Game Thread!

It's probably not possible. Proxies layin' around are made client side but are almost guaranteed t' be kept track of via the server. If it is possible in spite'a this, that'd be one monstrous hack... Completely overruling how the server keeps track'a said mines and such.
oh yeah

Nevermind my derpin' then. :lol: Well, that explains t' me why there're so many crazy hacks. Y'all have fun with your undetectable proxies. good job @ activision for designing online play
Had an awesome couple of hours in TLTK - both teams were cooperating with each other and we were just messing around (We kept crouching to show that we wouldn't kill each other) :D

Papa, ryota, akb48, are a few of the people who were playing. :)
Hadn't played for a while. I finally got to sit down and play two matches yesterday on heroes. I did pretty for not having played for so long. They were good matches and everyone was evenly matched. I hope to play more now that the semester is about over.
Some great farming on Goldeneye mode this afternoon.
In one session i finished up the regular sigmus, almost completely done the prof. for Torka, AK47, and am halfway through with Pavlov and that no-distance SLY shotgun.
I was thinking of watching that as well.
I"m just reading the result.
Seems the end was quite exciting. A pity City's unbeaten streak was stopped.
It'd be amusing to see another Invincibles performance, like Asenal pulled off.
Btw, what happened to Kompany, he injured or just playing badly?
Let's hope ManU drop some points, to make the premier league exciting till the end.
Kompany got taken off purely for tactical reason I think, he didn't look injured, didn't see him get taken down.Disgraceful of what they did to rio Ferdinand, threw coins at him, one hit him in the eye.
I guess the thread doesn't specifically say what type of "game" we're talking about here. At first I was wondering how a GE player looks injured, taken off the match for tactical reasons? and then to learn there's a hack where players can throw coins?! Sweet!

You Brits with your football :) I'm actually a big fan of the game as well. Did you see that sweet free kick ManU scored against ManCity?
I'm no Brit.
Just a fan of the game.

As for GE, because i'm only lvl 16(at the time 15) i got put in a game with other lowlvls.
All around my own lvl. I decided to Torka them. I got as far as a 23Killstreak, halfway dreaming of getting 30 one with i got freaking LeapMelee'd.
I hate it when the distance should be too far, and you still get taken down. Ah well.

Highlight of my evening session:
lvl 56 wiplash and his proxyton who ragequit on my SLY.
I was laughing so hard.

I am once again finding out i actually prefer lowlvl gun batlles then high lvl ones.
There is just something to be said about a game with no mines, just 2 grenades, and crappy guns that take while to kill.
My handling of the lowlvl guns seems to be better as well. I'm shooting at a +20% acc. rating.
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I'd like to thank Julien for hosting on 5-6 straight Golden Gun.
You left me with only 14 Kills shy of completing my proficiencies and once more saying goodbye to that mode.

I ended up hosting myself for them, which as i should have known, turned into the usual lagfest,
with people suddenly popping up, speeding up and slowing down, sounds off, bullets going through people without actually hitting them, ...
For some reason my connection is real bad for hosting.

If i wasn' playing with trevelyan i would have pulled the plug on that lagfest within seconds.
But since I enjoy playing with Trev. i decided to (literally) bite the bullet

And Trev. if i skip the party after an invite, when w8 for the game in a lobby,
9 out of 10 it's because i was appointed host.
Playing with lag just gets on my nerves and takes away the fun, so i try to avoid that as much as possible.
I got so confused during today, I was playing with Xanax and catbutt and I got an invite from you, went to accept it, didn't let me, then everyone started sending requests to each other.Had a fun time with everyone though, always good to have tough opposition during golden gun.I love it when someone is on 39 points, you grab the golden gun and win the match :D