The 'Report a randomly deleted thread/post' Thread


An Instant Classic
Apr 4, 2007
Wii Online Code
This can be used by anyone, seeing as having posts and threads deleted by moderators without any explanation whatsoever is one of the biggest problems with WiiChat. It's insulting to the entire community and shows a complete lack of respect for members.

So who deleted the incest thread?
This can be used by anyone, seeing as having posts and threads deleted by moderators without any explanation whatsoever is one of the biggest problems with WiiChat. It's insulting to the entire community and shows a complete lack of respect for members.

After deleting a thread it should not be our responsibility to address each and every one of you that we chose to delete a thread because we found it to be against the forum rules, and or out of hand. Along with that, there has to be a certain level as to what's acceptable here. And so, the thread in question was most likely deleted due to the posts and or content of the thread.

Another issue with this, about us being completely disrespectful, is that on any other forum you visit, you will most likely find that the moderators there do not post messages in regards to why a thread was deleted or locked. You will also find that there are no reasons given by the deletion of a post.

Why don't we give a reason for deleting a post?

It is simply due to the fact that it would require a big effort to contact each member about his or her deleted post and would be a waste of time. If you have an issue with a deleted post and or thread I suggest on sending one of us a private message. That is, if you want an answer. Otherwise, don't expect us to contact you when a thread or post of yours is deleted.
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Actually, this is the only forum I've ever been on that frequently deletes threads. The delete function is rather detrimental to a forum, because it leaves holes in the forum's history, and therefore it is generally used very sparingly. Most all forums lock inappropriate threads so that the moderator that locks them can leave a final post as to why it was locked. This is basic forum etiquette.
(to the mod who deleted incest thread)The thread that you deleted was not out of hand at all. It was not against the rules at all. It was very in control... There was absolutely no reason to delete it other then the fact that you did not like the subject it was about. That is mod power abuse IMO.

The only reason a thread should be flat out deleted is if it contains porn or spam.
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Except for... the thread that you deleted was not out of hand at all. It was not against the rules at all. It was very in control... There was absolutely no reason to delete it other then the fact that you did not like the subject it was about. That is mod power abuse IMO.

The only reason a thread should be flat out deleted is if it contains porn or spam.

I was not involved with that thread and was not responsible for its removal. However, moderators do have the right to remove a thread if they find it to be out of hand, inappropriate, full of spam and or against the forum rules. You have to remember that WiiChat has a wide variety of users throughout different age ranges and can be considered a family forum. With that being said, such topics would be seen as inapproprriate for this site.

Wii Chat Terms of Use said:
Although this Discussion Forum does not and cannot review the messages posted and is not responsible for the content of any of these messages, we at reserve the right to delete any message for any or no reason whatsoever.

LevesqueIsKing said:
Actually, this is the only forum I've ever been on that frequently deletes threads. The delete function is rather detrimental to a forum, because it leaves holes in the forum's history, and therefore it is generally used very sparingly. Most all forums lock inappropriate threads so that the moderator that locks them can leave a final post as to why it was locked. This is basic forum etiquette.

I've been a member of several other forums where moderators have deleted threads they find to be against the forum rules without a reason. Along with that, I have seen little issues regarding the deletion of threads.

Also, I haven't seen that many threads deleted here at WiiChat. Most of the threads deleted end up to be spam and advertisements.

This is basic forum etiquette.

I guess I missed out on that seminar.
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I was not involved with that thread and was not responsible for its removal. However, moderators do have the right to remove a thread if they find it to be out of hand, inappropriate, full of spam and or against the forum rules. You have to remember that WiiChat has a wide variety of users throughout different age ranges and can be considered a family forum. With that being said, such topics would be seen as inapproprriate for this site.

My bad, fixed.

This is why we need a debate forum, so the mature users can discuss mature topics without them being deleted... The main people who visit this site are definitely mature enough to handle those kind of subjects.

And also, while the mods have the right to delete stuff for whatever reason they want, it's still a slap in the face to the people when they do.
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My bad, fixed.

This is why we need a debate forum, so the mature users can discuss mature topics without them being deleted... The main people who visit this site are definitely mature enough to handle those kind of subjects.

And also, while the mods have the right to delete stuff for whatever reason they want, it's still a slap in the face to the people when they do.

If you feel that a post and or a thread has been wrongfully deleted send one of us a private message and we will work it out with you. In most cases, we should be able to direct you to the moderator who deleted the post/thread so you can talk to them about it.
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Also, I haven't seen that many threads deleted here at WiiChat.
None of us have.

There's really no need for you to be in this thread, Syntax—that is, unless you too have a question about a deleted thread or post, or unless you really are the person that deleted it. I asked a specific question to a single person and I don't think it crossed any lines. The fact that you've made a habit of wandering into my threads, no matter how straight-forward I make them, and jumping down my throat in defence the administration of this site does nothing but prove the accuracy of my claims.
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Most forums have this within their staff section but basically, if a thread is locked then it is moved there (A locked posts section) and all the other staff can look at what has been locked and moved there and they can pass their judgement too. Sometimes some threads remain locked but in the original section as an example. I believe the only time a thread should be deleted is porn. Advertisers should have their ads blocked out then moved.
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Usually when a post or thread is deleted there is a soft delete message and it says the name of the user that deleted it. Typically (at least for myself) when deleting a thread I don't physically remove it because of this issue (where'd my thread go?) and because I tend to forget that that option is there.

That being said, I'm not sure where the thread went nor is there a soft delete message in the lounge section.

And Syntax wasn't defending the staff as much as he was talking about how staff goes about the forum. I realize deleting posts/threads without warning can be startling (we've had threads like this before a few times making this issue known) but you have to see that contacting a member each time something is deleted can be time consuming. It was either deleted for a good reason and if there is still questions to be asked a mod is usually notified about it.

I know I'm not helping your thread either Tyler, and I apologize for that.
Soft delete leaves the message for staff only Brandon.

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