The Wii and females...

i've seen my fair share of non gamers turn into wiiheads instantly, namely my friend's 70 year old father he got mad when i tried to show him some tips and my friends gf starting saying it was hers i couldnt take it needless to say i cut em off cold turkey next thing you know they'll be trading there living room set for one
Sal Pendlebeef said:
actually no.........i'm new here just like everyone else was at one point or whats your point?
my point is, i was being "funny" as you were. im quite new too, havent even been here 1/2 month yet..... will be tomorrow i think.
Just wanted to chime in with: When i took my wii over to my buddies house(who had just bought a 360) he was amazed at how his wife not only played and enjoyed it, but she insisted he go out and purchase one for them. I told him he could try for store credit with his xbox lol. Wii FTW
Ew =\ Girls who only like Wii and no other console are lame. =\ Hopefully the Wii will encourage them to start trying different consoles. Then again I don't know if I like that because it will take away all the cool females' identities. =(