The Wii is NOT "kiddie"!

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Do Hugz Not Drugz
Jan 22, 2007
Paris France
I have noticed that many people think the Wii is "Kiddie". Why?
Yes, it's true, many of the games for the wii are rated E.
SO WHAT? That doesn't make it not fun! E doesn't mean "only for kids, If your not a kid you'll hate this game." plus, there are plenty of M rated games on the Wii. You don't see 10 year olds playing "The GodFather." That game, is SO not kiddie. and the Wii doesn't only appeal to kids. obviously.

BapFap said:
I have noticed that many people think the Wii is "Kiddie". Why?
Yes, it's true, many of the games for the wii are rated E.
SO WHAT? That doesn't make it not fun! E doesn't mean "only for kids, If your not a kid you'll hate this game." plus, there are plenty of M rated games on the Wii. You don't see 10 year olds playing "The GodFather." That game, is SO not kiddie. and the Wii doesn't only appeal to kids. obviously.


most of the games are geared at appealing to a younger audience. This mixed with nintendo's child focused marketing and you have a system that appears to be kiddy.

The wii isnt so bad since its actually trying to target outside the kid arena, but their past practices still put a kiddy light on them. ALso most of the games that come out for nintendo are usually, kiddy. Nintendo paints itself in a colorful rainbow, and it is still trying to shake free of their old target audiences, which were kids. You cant just snap your fingers and expect your public image to change, it takes time and actions. Unfortunately, the Wii doesnt have the graphical cabability to produce good looking non kiddy games, therefore the cartoon style will be more common due to the nature of its hardware.
ports and what not hardly count, if the wii would get some mature exclusive content on it, it would be better, but it has none, and none is planned (unless RE:UC is mature? i dont think it is..if it isnt i think it might be the first non-mature RE title, mocking nintendo even more since the grey blood)
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Shiftfallout said:
most of the games are geared at appealing to a younger audience. This mixed with nintendo's child focused marketing and you have a system that appears to be kiddy.

The wii isnt so bad since its actually trying to target outside the kid arena, but their past practices still put a kiddy light on them. ALso most of the games that come out for nintendo are usually, kiddy. Nintendo paints itself in a colorful rainbow, and it is still trying to shake free of their old target audiences, which were kids. You cant just snap your fingers and expect your public image to change, it takes time and actions. Unfortunately, the Wii doesnt have the graphical cabability to produce good looking non kiddy games, therefore the cartoon style will be more common due to the nature of its hardware.

there's alot of E rated games, but only few are geared towards kids! Pokemon is geared for a yonger adiounce, but mario (whos games are always rated E) isn't geard towards kids.
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Sovieto said:
ports and what not hardly count, if the wii would get some mature exclusive content on it, it would be better, but it has none, and none is planned (unless RE:UC is mature? i dont think it is..if it isnt i think it might be the first non-mature RE title, mocking nintendo even more since the grey blood)

there are M rated games for the Wii, that's obvious
BapFap said:
Why? Do you even have a reson why?
Yes. When a product is designed the company has a target audience in mind. Nintendo has suffered from this problem since the gamecube. Too much focus on the younger kids.

Yeah you can always adapt the device to another set of demographics but its never the same.

What would you think if Sony released a light pink PS2 and included the My little pony game. Would you call it a girl gaming system or would you know that it was meant for males 18-25 originally?

Honestly I don't care if its meant for kids. **** only a couple years ago I was still playing pokemon on my GBA!
BapFap said:
there are M rated games for the Wii, that's obvious
there are? anything exclusive?
cause hit mature exclusive titles are what stand out for a console on the mature market
Game ratings are a TERRIBLE indicator of wether the Wii is "kiddie" or not. Most adult games are rated E while games for the younger teenage males are rated M!!
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ciper said:
Yes. When a product is designed the company has a target audience in mind. Nintendo has suffered from this problem since the gamecube. Too much focus on the younger kids.

Yeah you can always adapt the device to another set of demographics but its never the same.

What would you think if Sony released a light pink PS2 and included the My little pony game. Would you call it a girl gaming system or would you know that it was meant for males 18-25 originally?

Honestly I don't care if its meant for kids. **** only a couple years ago I was still playing pokemon on my GBA!

I would think it was a sytem trying to make everyone a gamer, not just twitchy teen males. If Sony made ONE "My little pony" game for the PS2, that doesn't make it girly.
The Wii can look as kiddy, be portrayed as kiddy, and be kiddy all it wants. Just gimme my darn Brawl with a decent online mode, and a handful of other worth-while games, and I'll be set. Heck, the only game in my house with a rating above "T" is War Gods for the N64. I been gaming happily ever since.

Just gimme my fun games. That should be the real priority. Following extremely close behind that priority should be better looking graphics. And then following behind that by a hair, is making the wiimote + nunchuck combo feel more than some gimmick. Like Wii Sports. My friends love it. Well. They love baseball and boxing. They could care less 'bout the other three.
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Trulen said:
The Wii can look as kiddy, be portrayed as kiddy, and be kiddy all it wants. Just gimme my darn Brawl with a decent online mode, and a handful of other worth-while games, and I'll be set. Heck, the only game in my house with a rating above "T" is War Gods for the N64. I been gaming happily ever since.

Just gimme my fun games. That should be the real priority. Following extremely close behind that priority should be better looking graphics. And then following behind that by a hair, is making the wiimote + nunchuck combo feel more than some gimmick. Like Wii Sports. My friends love it. Well. They love baseball and boxing. They could care less 'bout the other three.

Amen brother!
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