Two New Wii Channels Announced


WiiChat Member
Sep 19, 2006
Indianapolis, Indiana
Wii Online Code
Of course we know one the channels will the "Check Mii Out" Channel. And the other channel will be the Minna no Nintendo Channel (Everybody's Nintendo Channel).This will allow you to check out new DS games and demos, and download them for your pleasure. Source
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I hope this means that there will be wii demos. Come on ssbb, galaxy, and mario kart demo!
it wouldve been very useful if i understood japanese
Wait wait wait, everybody HOLD IT!

The Everybody's Nintendo Channel provides us with WII trailers/demo's too? Why else would Strikers be in that video?

W00T! Now I'm psyched for this!

I don't have a DS so wasn't to excited for this channel, but now I am!!
Aww man! I'm missing out!! my internet isn't working with my Wii..this sucks!
I'll try and get it back up tonight.

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