Vote for the new moderator(s)

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-Boz- [UK]

WiiChat Member
May 22, 2009
Please, I'd love to know where these moderators are, I've been a member of WiiChat for like 3 months

I still see OLD advertising threads which are meant to be "against the rules"

YES, I understand Moderators have a life and can't be on 24/7 or whatever, but at least once in a while clean up the forum a bit please?

Can we vote for a new active moderator?
Lack of admin plus lack of active mods = fuck all will happen.
We have been over this over 9000!!!!!!! times
The owner seems to be a lazy mofo.

I say we all migrate (mod included) and let the site die out and then see how soon i0n comes back
Even if that did happy Prinny, I don't think i0n would really care. He just uses this website as a source of income, either that or he likes the thriving community aspect of it. [/sarcasm]
Most of the moderators are no longer active on this site. I myself have become quite busy with school work + my job + other activities and have lost interest in this site.
well can anyone appoint the new moderators?
other than ion? cause if he is the only one and he wont do anything, then hes a dick :incazzato:
can we have a new moderator you ask?

does the pope **** in the woods?
Even if that did happy Prinny, I don't think i0n would really care. He just uses this website as a source of income, either that or he likes the thriving community aspect of it. [/sarcasm]

Yeah but if we all left, advertising would stop and his income aswell right?
I doubt that we would tho, we would all come back just to have a look who hasnt left and then start talking, hell we might even post more then then we do now haha.
well can anyone appoint the new moderators?
other than ion? cause if he is the only one and he wont do anything, then hes a dick :incazzato:
Last I knew, only i0n can make new mods.

And he hasn't been heard from since Feb.

And even when he was around, he didn't want more mods. And even then most of the mods rarely signed on, if ever.

This is why a forum without an admin is doomed and not worth one's time. Good thing there's another forum where a lot of WiiChatters hang out that doesn't have this problem.
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