Guide On Becoming A Better Member Or Moderator


That Canucks Fan
Dec 27, 2006
Wii Online Code
Tips on becoming a forum mod and or a better member..

From Syntax's perspective. Basically what Syntax has seen and or learned over his time spent browsing and moderating other forums.

1. Respect other peoples opinions.

Whether or not you agree/disagree with what someone is saying be sure to respect their opinions. By going out of your way to insult and or put these people down because of their opinions is wrong.

2. Never go out of your way to insult another member.

I see this happen practically every day. Whether it's on Wii Chat or on another forum I post on. There are always members who will go out of their way just to insult someone because they believe they have the right to. Wrong, nobody has the right to insult another member. If you are one of these members I can assure you your chances of becoming a moderator are very slim. If you have a problem with another member of this forum either try to deal with the problem by talking to each other. If that doesn't work go into your forum control panel and add that person to your ignore users list. If you ever notice another member going out of his or her way to insult someone else be sure to notify a mod and or report that users post. Wii Chat is a friendly community and we don't need others to ruin it for us.

3. Lend a hand. Help out around the forum.

If you notice that someone is new to the forum and needs some help and or assistance point them in the right direction. Let them know what the forum rules are and or where they can receive help. By putting members down because their new just leads to flame wars and various other problems which isn't needed.

4. Follow the forum rules.

If you want to become a moderator you must abide by the forum rules. If you can't then I suggest you start. By following the forum rules you are setting a good example for other members to do the same. Also if you ever see another person breaking the forum rules let them know if they are doing something wrong. If they don't listen your best bet is to either report the thread via the report button or by contacting one of the moderators of that said section.

5. We are all equal.

Whether you are new to the forum or an old member be sure to treat other members with respect. Or at least the way you would like to be treated. By judging others based on post count and or join date you are just creating more problems by going out of your way to flame another member.

6. Its not all fun and games.

Being a moderator doesn't mean you have the right to ban any member you see just because you may disagree with their views and or find that their doing something wrong, such as breaking the forum rules. In most cases the power to ban is usually seen as a last resort. Moderators will usually just delete posts which are considered against the forum rules along with threads. So its not always about banning "x" member.

Finally you have to realize with great power comes great responsibility. As some of you may know Wii Chat is one of the most popular Wii based forums and we have around 30,000+ members so moderating a site such as this one is a hard task. So before you go creating a thread to bash the mods because you believe their not doing their job, which they are, take some time to think about it. Now I know it seems that the site is currently under staffed but that should soon change.


1a: Recommended Threads To Read Over

Forum Rules And Policies

Forum Rules And Policies: Contains information on becoming a better forum member. Along with the rules and what is allowed and isn't allowed here at Wii Chat.

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy: Contains information about the site. Such as Logging Activity, Cookies and Email.

User Maintenance

User Maintenance Contains The Following Topics:
  • Why should I register?
  • Does this forum use cookies?
  • How do I clear my cookies?
  • How can I change the information in my profile?
  • What is the signature for?
  • I lost my password, what can I do?
  • How do I add a custom status to my profile?
  • How do I get a picture under my username?
  • What are the buddy and ignore lists?

General Forum Usage

General Forum Usage Contains The Following Topics:

  • Can I search the forum?
  • Can I send email to other members?
  • What is Private Messaging?
  • How do I use the Member List?
  • How do I use the calendar?
  • What are announcements?
  • How do I rate a thread?
  • What are referrals?
  • What are the various thread display options?
  • Where can I find the RSS feed?

Reading And Posting Messages

Reading And Posting Messages Contains The Following Topics:

  • Are there any special codes/tags I can use to markup my posts?
  • What is email notification?
  • What are smilies?
  • Code Buttons and Clickable Smilies
  • How do I create and vote in polls?
  • What Are Attachments?
  • What are message icons?
  • Can I edit my own posts?
  • What Are Moderators?
  • Why have some of the words in my post been blanked

A Guide On Posting

A Guide On Posting: A user made tutorial outlining the general forum rules.

Bumping A Thread Tutorial

Bumping A Thread Tutorial: Another user made tutorial outlining when it's o.k to bump a thread. Also describes what not to do.

Wii Chat Search Tutorial

Wii Chat Search Turorial: A more in depth tutorial on how to use the search button here at Wii Chat. Includes information as to why it's important to search before creating threads. Also shows you how to do a search.

How To Start A Good Thread Tutorial

How To Start A Good Thread Tutorial: Outlines information on how to make a good thread without being flamed by other members etc. Very useful for newer members.
Syntax listened to me:smilewinkgrin:

Great thread, hopefully people will be aware of this and it will make the choice of new MOD's easier for the MOD's and i0n.
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread starter
  • #3
Syntax tends to listen to others. Anyways I hope other members find this to be useful. Also if you want anything added please let me know either by posting in this thread and or sending me a private message.
Syntax said:
Tips on becoming a forum mod and or a better member..

From Syntax's perspective. Basically what Syntax has seen and or learned over his time spent browsing and moderating other forums.

1. Respect other peoples opinions. I FOLLOW

2. Never go out of your way to insult another member. I UNDERSTAND BUT HAVE DONE

3. Lend a hand. Help out around the forum. I FOLLOW

4. Follow the forum rules. I FOLLOW

5. We are all equal. I UNDERSTAND

6. Its not all fun and games. I UNDERSTAND

Uhm... Look At Quote!

#2 Was Outta My Own Stupidity At Vagrant.

He Called Steph And I Dumbasses. :mad5:
+Maniacal=Maniac+ said:
Uhm... Look At Quote!

#2 Was Outta My Own Stupidity At Vagrant.

He Called Steph And I Dumbasses. :mad5:


Handle your anger dude and answer back in a intellectual way:lol:

Evem if you do get insulted, don't insult back and lower yourself onto their level.
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  • #8
Byuakuya said:
A very nice thread and one which has been well explained. Nicely done Syntax.

Thanks for the feedback Byuakuya. :D
This is a great thread. If its changed into a sticky it would be A LOT better though. Otherwise I think that this thread will be pushed to the bottom of the page within a matter of days. Just my opinion on what might happen though :D
nicely done syntax

your helping this world become a better place :aureola:
Syntax said:
Tips on becoming a forum mod and or a better member..

From Syntax's perspective. Basically what Syntax has seen and or learned over his time spent browsing and moderating other forums.

1. Respect other peoples opinions.

Whether or not you agree/disagree with what someone is saying be sure to respect their opinions. By going out of your way to insult and or put these people down because of their opinions is wrong.


Why are you refering to yourself as a third person?

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