What on Earth did you say?

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Even though these posts do exist and they do tend to get annoying and frustrating at times, there's no way to stop them. It's not the person's grammar, punctuation, or spelling, it's the content they provide to the given thread. People may stay on topic to the thread, yet never provide any supporting ideas or something that may improve the thread in some form.

At least we haven't seen some post like this...well I haven't =P

"ZOMGZZ G3T SMG NAO, ITZZ 1337!1!onei" (x.x, these kinds piss me off)

The best way to approach this is to give a small reminder to the people who do.
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But what's the harm in correct grammar and punctuation? Surely both informative posts AND correct presentations outweighs any speed that one would receive from text talk.
RivalDestiny said:
"ZOMGZZ G3T SMG NAO, ITZZ 1337!1!onei" (x.x, these kinds piss me off)

The best way to approach this is to give a small reminder to the people who do.

In my internet travels I have seen somebody that did type like that

He was baned afther his tenth or so post
skewzzme said:
But whats the harm in incorrect grammar?

The harm in incorrect grammar is that it is incorrect. :sick:

What is the harm in sounding like a coherent individual who can put two words together?

Prinny is the only one that I don't mock the utter crap out of.

By the way, your "whats" needs an apostrophe.
By the way i dont care.
and correcting people is more rude
You dont think I didnt know that???
Even IF i didnt the freaking computer does and makes red squiggles everywhere. I just dont care.
mi no lik talkn lic a bg boi....lol Just joking, but don't let it bother you. It's normal for it to happen and even if you do prevent it, more new members will come and start it again.
skewzzme said:
By the way i dont care.
and correcting people is more rude
You dont think I didnt know that???
Even IF i didnt the freaking computer does and makes red squiggles everywhere. I just dont care.

How is it rude?

I believe correcting people is actually doing them a favor...it just depends on how you correct them.
Personally, I always type with good grammar give or take a few small errors once in a while. However, there are different stages when it comes to reading somebody else's posts. As long as the person's post is readable and people can understand his/her point, then I'm fine with it becasue honestly I'm in no position to critisize somebody's typing habits on the internet.
This has been discussed. Prepare yourself for the rants of 'Search!' and 'hahazomglolroflmaooneone' while reading here. This place caters to a young crowd, it seems. I cannot understand half the crap on here with all of the terrible grammar and needless abbreviations. People seem to not value communication anymore.
When some stranger says "Me and my friend" do you shout out "MY FRIEND AND I" and if someone says "I gotta go" do you say "I HAVE TO GO"

..no...its rude.
And it is on the internet. In other threads you should stick to the topic instead of complaining about stupid grammar mistakes.
It's not school, why should I be nice to people? It's just the internet.

I find it rude for people to make me break out my translator every time I try to read a post.

I will always have an on topic point, followed by a correction. I also meant my earlier correction as a small form of irony.
skewzzme said:
When some stranger says "Me and my friend" do you shout out "MY FRIEND AND I" and if someone says "I gotta go" do you say "I HAVE TO GO"

..no...its rude.
And it is on the internet. In other threads you should stick to the topic instead of complaining about stupid grammar mistakes.

That's what I mean about how you go about telling the person. If a person goes "Like poeple larve the Wii PS3 is ba I h8 it X360 is eh ish can do better"

A simple and kind reminder to the poster to correct his grammar, not to only that certain post but to his/her future posts as well.
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