you people need a reality check

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Gymdawg said:
I love how the thread about the ignorance present in internet based arguments has itself regressed into another internet based argument. This is ridiculous, people, and frankly, you all look stupid for taking part in it.

Of course, I commend Loose for her efforts to stop this farce, but one must realize that there are simply too many idiots out there to justify punishing the intelligent for attempting to carry out an intelligent discussion. No matter what rules you set up or how you try to enforce them, there's always going to be one more douchebag to come disobey them.
Again, I commend the effort, but it's not going to solve the problem.

I was just having fun. I was very amused today. Think what you will, however.
dakuda said:
I was just having fun. I was very amused today. Think what you will, however.
My post wasn't directed at you so I really don't know what you're talking about.
And thanks, Brawny.
Wiired said:
I see nothing wrong in threads about Religion and other intellectual subjects, I notice that Squall7 for example loves the likes of a indepth debate about his views with others (such as Haz which I noticed they had :)), and I don't think these kind of threads should be stopped just because minority are ruining for them/us. If certain members are spamming, being harsh about peoples views and such, they should be dealt with (as I sure they are), but I don't think it should be stopped based on them.
Yeah, I agree. Some people that I know on wiichat are sensible and their input towards a certain topic are always appropriate. These people are open-minded.
Others who simply post a single sided view with very bad explanations are the cause of these problems. Thats just my opinion on this subject though.
They are not actually "problems" however. They are simply opinions. Others DO have opinions that can vastly differ from your own. Of course, I think most of us can all agree that little Tommy's views were a bit distorted, it was still his opinion and we all still have to face others with his opinion in the real world and online. I still don't see what the big deal was.

This thread needs comic relief.
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The only person i'm scared of now is the_loose_cannon, she now knows where I live (I think)... :scared: :shocked: :yikes:
Personally I don't think its appropriate for a Mod to create a thread stating "You people need a reality check". Thats offensive enough to get me a little peeved right off the bat. As for your views - it seems to me that Wiichat is more and more becoming "TLC's Chat playground".

TLC "you" need the reality check. - People are entitled to their opinion - and no matter how stupid/extreme a persons views may be, he or she is entitled to have them, and voice them provided that person is not trying to "incite" racial or religious hatred.

As for not being allowed to discuss religion or politics!? Thats Insane? What the heck is going on here? We are not "children". Even 13 year olds should be allowed to discuss religion and politics. In fact it should be encouraged that teenagers discuss and learn about various religious and political issues. Or would you rather have us help create a generation of people with no understanding of these things?

I'm pretty much fed up with all the childish drama going around this site. And to be honest I don't place the blame with us users.

I've been contemplating leaving this forum for a while now. I don't want to, It was a fun community at one point - with a nice sense of comeraderie (even with the people I argue with (Shiftfallout etc). I'm going to hang on a while and see how things play out. But I'm not happy with the way the site is being moderated. TLC in particular I feel is too active a user to be an objective mod as well. And has a very unproffessional manner in dealing with things (lacking even the common courtesy I expect / and give to any other person). I expect to get banned for saying all this.

As for religion and politics being out of bounds for conversation - thats just nuts.
And as for protecting minors..? Why does this site have info about the upcoming game "Manhunt" and "Godfather Black hand" - "Scarface". If this is to be a completely Walt Disney Universally safe for all site then why is there a host of 18 rated games info officially posted here?

Its common sense sometimes to open your mouth and make a stand for your rights and dignity. Its common sense also that when you are in a position of authority that you speak to people in a respectful manner. We're not the ones who need a reality check...

BrandonMcAuslan said:
And as for protecting minors..? Why does this site have info about the upcoming game "Manhunt" and "Godfather Black hand" - "Scarface". If this is to be a completely Walt Disney Universally safe for all site then why is there a host of 18 rated games info officially posted here?
He's got a point.

This is not a dig at TLC, but the Wii-Chat Moderating in general, as she/they has to flip the coin both ways, remember the England thread, someone reported it to her, so SOMEONE was offended or not happy. Trust me, I was pissed at the time, because I was actually replying when it was deleted. If she left it, then that person could have started a thread about why Mods leave **** like that up.

I think if you're a Mod, you have to stand up and be beaten, sorry counted. Hence why you have the privalges you do. Mods cannot expect everyone to agree with them, or refuse to change their Mod ways because they as a person, not a Mod, think they are right.
miiguy said:
He's got a point.

This is not a dig at TLC, but the Wii-Chat Moderating in general, as she/they has to flip the coin both ways, remember the England thread, someone reported it to her, so SOMEONE was offended or not happy. Trust me, I was pissed at the time, because I was actually replying when it was deleted. If she left it, then that person could have started a thread about why Mods leave **** like that up.

I think if you're a Mod, you have to stand up and be beaten, sorry counted. Hence why you have the privalges you do. Mods cannot expect everyone to agree with them, or refuse to change their Mod ways because they as a person, not a Mod, think they are right.

Someone reported it to her. Fair enough I can agree that someone might not agree or like what other people are saying. But there were a whole load of people offering contrasting opinions. Its a slight on those people that their opinions (that were in the right) were wiped off the board as well. As for protecting minors. Banning the guy - then stating why he was banned would have sent a positive message that racial slander is not acceptable. But instead we have a dead space - no lessons to be learned - no one condoning his opinions - no apologies to the other people in the thread - nothing.
I don't know what goes behind the scenes, but if it was one person then thats not good enough for me. every thread would be closed/deleted if one or two people's objections were all it took.

I believe in a degree of moderation. If someone is being completely unreasonable then they should get a ban. A blatantly offensive comment should perhaps be deleted (I'm not sure on this I think its best to leave evidence of wrong doing as an example). But we also deserve an explanation for whats going on. The mods are supposed to be acting in OUR interest - for OUR benefit. Think about it.
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BrandonMcAuslan said:
Banning the guy - then stating why he was banned would have sent a positive message that racial slander is not acceptable. But instead we have a dead space - no lessons to be learned - no one condoning his opinions - no apologies to the other people in the thread - nothing.

That's exactly what Haz said. And a very valid point. Do the mods have a meeting of the minds to maybe discuss these things.

I said before my mates a Mod, on their forum, they have a "your say" thread where you can say your piece about a mod or modding in general.

Also NOTHING gets deleted, only archived.
The_Loose_Cannon said:
i think some of you are taking the lounge a bit too far. granted this is a "off topc" forum but the things some of you people are posting are just either A) sheer stupidity or B) taking the freedom of speech one too far.

i feel some of you are forgeting this is a NINTENDO BASED WEBSITE. yes you can talk about your day in the lounge, yes you can tell us that you just went to the store and picked up a PSP, yes you can even tell us about your pets like i made a post about.....but COME ON! the religion threads (which have FINALLY stoped due to me banning a certain someone), the political debates on illegal immigrants, "what does 0.9999 mean"? i mean really guys. i edit A LOT of things on this site because some members arent mature enough to have intellectual converstations such as "religion" and "polictics" it may be cool to discuss them, but please, join a POLICITALLY BASED THREAD. its getting on my nerves that a lot of you seeme to think we as mods are stifeling you. we arent. infact, we are protecting the minors out there who are reading your words.

take for instance the england thread. a member there was posting racist views and needed a quick dose of realism injected into his fat head. 3 members had posted him and quoted him only adding fuel to the flame (no cursing just aiding ammo). so, after a poster on that thread contacted me, i initially thought nothing of it till i read on and realized 3 pages needed to be GONE droping it down to 5 or so and an IP ban request.

so please, as a mod, stop posting such stupid things! and if you know what youre typing MAY be deleted, reported or even questioned then dont type it. its common senes to sometimes [STRIKE]shut your mouth [/STRIKE] be quiet
quoted for emphosis!

yes there are young people on this forum, but there are also older members, or members that are more mature for there age, and some of us may not like the little rude snarly comments that people make that agrivate other members into a frezy of off topic discusion!
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BrandonMcAuslan said:
Personally I don't think its appropriate for a Mod to create a thread stating "You people need a reality check". Thats offensive enough to get me a little peeved right off the bat. As for your views - it seems to me that Wiichat is more and more becoming "TLC's Chat playground".

let me first say? i love a guy with a sense of humor. for you to be PEEVED is just obsurd. when have i EVER EVER and i mean EVER bad mouthed you or had to yell at you for you point of views? hmmmm i believe never, yep thats right never. so by me banning or slapping the wrists of all your little buddies on this site for acting like immature little brats upsets you? do me a favor, the web is a large place! use that little X on your screen on the internet explorer there and leave. grow up if this offends you. of all the stuff that goes on here, THIS is what upsets you? damn you must not be mature enough to read if you dont mind, i have to guard my little playground here

TLC "you" need the reality check. - People are entitled to their opinion - and no matter how stupid/extreme a persons views may be, he or she is entitled to have them, and voice them provided that person is not trying to "incite" racial or religious hatred.

oh do i now??? are you my departmentmental psychatrist now? GOOD because i still have yet to talk about my 9-11 feelings since im in need of a little reality check myself.....damn great call, when do i get my prozac? were serious! EVERYONE has a different point of view, hmm i should know. but that doesnt mean that it should be negatively displayed on the site. its completely acceptable to debate when using proper language and theres no hurt feelings. as long as theres no cursing, no slander and no disregard for the other person in general then fine, go ahead talk about all the taboo subjects you want. but when memebers report it to me and tell me that this upsets them, or im offended by this, or OMG HOW CAN THEY SAY THAT! and then back me up with documentation? theres nothing left for me to do but yeah, thats right delete and remove...good youre catching on. lets go to the next paragraph then!

As for not being allowed to discuss religion or politics!? Thats Insane? What the heck is going on here? We are not "children". Even 13 year olds should be allowed to discuss religion and politics. In fact it should be encouraged that teenagers discuss and learn about various religious and political issues. Or would you rather have us help create a generation of people with no understanding of these things?

what are you ottoman? are you pushing buttons? in staff chat i made a post in staff chat about it and here it is!

i0n said:
I've just deleted 2 religion threads that spiralled into arguments.

I think it would be fair for us to keep such religious discussions off the forum, afterall we are a gaming website.

Also i havent once seen a religious debate that hasnt spiralled way out of control, there are countless over places on the internet for such heated debate.

go ahead argue with i0n im sure hell care go on, PM him right now and have a beef with him NOT me. i dont make the rules, i enforce them

I'm pretty much fed up with all the childish drama going around this site. And to be honest I don't place the blame with us users.

then leave, simple, bye!

I've been contemplating leaving this forum for a while now. I don't want to, It was a fun community at one point - with a nice sense of comeraderie (even with the people I argue with (Shiftfallout etc). I'm going to hang on a while and see how things play out. But I'm not happy with the way the site is being moderated. TLC in particular I feel is too active a user to be an objective mod as well. And has a very unproffessional manner in dealing with things (lacking even the common courtesy I expect / and give to any other person). I expect to get banned for saying all this.

first you all complain about NO MODS OMGZZZZZZ! LET ME BE MOD! then when you see a change you automatically cry because A) its not you or B) its not what you want. grow up. deal with it. i answer the reports and i take care of it. you think im the ONLY mod out there???? take a look im not the only one that makes these changes, go attack prez, mr stoukaph, trulen or mitch2025. they are on just as much as i am! just because im the most active doesnt mean im the one who constantly does EVERY change on wiichat. youre so nieve

As for religion and politics being out of bounds for conversation - thats just nuts.
And as for protecting minors..? Why does this site have info about the upcoming game "Manhunt" and "Godfather Black hand" - "Scarface". If this is to be a completely Walt Disney Universally safe for all site then why is there a host of 18 rated games info officially posted here?

again, youre comparing VIDEOGAMES to life, theres no such comparison. i repeat THERE IS NO SUCH COMPARISON! end of discussion.

Its common sense sometimes to open your mouth and make a stand for your rights and dignity. Its common sense also that when you are in a position of authority that you speak to people in a respectful manner. We're not the ones who need a reality check...

uhm not even close dude. just not even. thats the weakest closing statement ive ever heard. just because YOU got beef with me, doesnt mean the rest of the community here does either. infact almost every member may love to hate me as much as the next because i am hard. and because im hard you will hate me. but the more you hate me you will learn! (full metal jacket)
Gymdawg said:
I love how the thread about the ignorance present in internet based arguments has itself regressed into another internet based argument.
Called it.
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