What Would You Do?

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  • #106
I will check the bathroom to see if there is anything that I could use.

What would you do if you drop the soap at prison?
Pick up the soap REALLY fast when no one is looking. It's horrible when you do it slow.*shiver*

What would you do if you woke up in the middle of WWII, and some guy gave you a gun? Would you say," HECK NO, I'm running for my lives!" or " Meh, HELL YEAH! NATZI!
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  • #108
Bruh, WWII was against Vietnam and WWI was against the Nazi's :eek:ut:

I would take the gun and hide.

What would you do if you get expelled from school?
Do nothing.:lol:

What would you do if your mom took you to Math Camp.XD
...Go to Math Camp, I guess.
What would you do if an angry mob broke into your house and tried to kill you?
I'll say," Why do you wanna kill me?"

What would you do if you saw $100 on the floor, but it's on the other side of junk yard full of guard dogs.
I would go around the junkyard.

What would you do if your dog came into a your room with a boy who you don't know and the dog says the boy is his son and the boy says everything in your room belonged to him and then he knocked the douche out of the evil monkey in the closet
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  • #113
I would say that I already saw that episode of Family Guy.

What would you do if your Brawl videogame breaks.
Well that would suck.I guess go to a different web site.

What would you do if you had two heads.
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  • #117
I already do, yadadamean if you know what I mean :ihih:

What would you do if you had a conjoin twin?
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  • #118
What would you do if the only thing on TV and on the computer was porn? Don't watch it or *flap* XD
I rather not answer that:shifty::lol:

What would you do if all adults were gone.
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  • #120
Not go to school or do stuff that adults have authority over :D

What would you do if you could fly?

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