What You Get For $250...


Not Banned
Jun 19, 2006
Wii Online Code
A lot of people are complaining that $250 is a lot of money for the Wii claiming it's just a souped up GameCube with a new controller. Lets take a look at what you get.

$250 Bundle =
$40 game (approximate price)
$60 controller setup
$70 wireless out of the box (remember, wireless isn't standard on any 360's or the PS3 core. Going off of a 360 model, a 802.11abg is $100, so I'm estimating a 802.11bg MSRP around $70. Anyone complaining 360 is only $50 more should remember this has wireless built in)
$80 console

After you subtract the accessories you get and the premium piece of hardware (the wireless is really the only thing premium when you look at other game systems), the system is only $80! That's extremely cheap. Look at 360 core and the system itself is $260, or when bought in the premium pack it's about $220. I don't even want to get into the PS3...

I found this in a site, so its not made by me... :hand:
it does come with nunchuk....wiimote+nunchuk is $60
and your name spinecraft, reminds me of starcraft..
Another nice feature the Wii has that the Xbox 360 doesn't have at all as far as I know, is bluetooth. Bluetooth is how the Wiimote connects wirelessly with the Wii. However, it can also be used with wireless bluetooth headsets (which could be used for online voice chat), keyboards and mice, and cell phones can even transfer files using bluetooth.
I didn't even think of that! I knew that there was talk of a headset, I knew that the controllers used bluetooth, and I knew that bluetooth headsets were extremely common, but I never put all the information together. That's good thinking, Nate!
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For what registerednerd and NTGreat said, I can just say wii is the best complement not only for video games, for all the stuff of the new technology.
You lot of have got it good, considering the UK will be getting the Wii for £170 = $320. I won't even bother talk about the cost of games and controllers. :rolleyes:
Arcadium said:
A lot of people are complaining that $250 is a lot of money for the Wii claiming it's just a souped up GameCube with a new controller. Lets take a look at what you get.

$250 Bundle =
$40 game (approximate price)
$60 controller setup
$70 wireless out of the box (remember, wireless isn't standard on any 360's or the PS3 core. Going off of a 360 model, a 802.11abg is $100, so I'm estimating a 802.11bg MSRP around $70. Anyone complaining 360 is only $50 more should remember this has wireless built in)
$80 console

After you subtract the accessories you get and the premium piece of hardware (the wireless is really the only thing premium when you look at other game systems), the system is only $80! That's extremely cheap. Look at 360 core and the system itself is $260, or when bought in the premium pack it's about $220. I don't even want to get into the PS3...

I found this in a site, so its not made by me... :hand:

More like $150 for console, wireless out of box is like 20 bucks at most, if your talking about controllers? if your talking about wifi, same thing, its just a receiver, and its built into the DS too so i dont think its 70
A decent price .. though I would say slightly overpriced. When they announced it wont be more than $250US I was hoping it might go for something like $199US or $230US tops. But they went with the highest price possible without breaking their promise T_T But overall a fair price I guess..since we do get a lot of bundled hardware and software.
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Sovieto said:
More like $150 for console, wireless out of box is like 20 bucks at most, if your talking about controllers? if your talking about wifi, same thing, its just a receiver, and its built into the DS too so i dont think its 70

Remember is not made by me :hand:
Because the wii has bluetooth, do u think i would be able to send files from my laptop which has enabled bluetooth on it, to the wii? Not that i really would need to cause i got an sd card slot in it already :) But just wondering....
Yeah, I think that's possible. I have a laptop with built-in bluetooth aswell, a PowerBook G4, and when I was at school the other day during lunch, I had my laptop on and a little box popped up on my screen. It asked if I would recieve a file from "RAZR" which was obviously someone with a RAZR cell phone, which has bluetooth trying to send me a file. I accepted but it didn't work for some reason.

So, it's probably possible, but may need to be hacked to get it to work.

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