What's up with Pokemon?


WiiChat Member
Jan 28, 2009
This series doesn't make any sense at all. In the pokemon world, there exist creatures which are far more powerful than humans, some even smarter than humans, so why do the pokemon allow the humans to rule them,forcing them to fight each other, which is essentially treating them like roosters in cockfighting??

This question came to my mind when I was reading my little cousin's "pokemon guide" during a trip(My Mp3 player died, and I had nothing better to do....), and it said that Alakazam has an IQ of 1000. That's freaking ridiculous, considering the smartest human has an IQ of 200(i think).... so why are pokemon like that not ruling the world? Of course, I never gave any thought to this when I tweaked on these games back in the good ol' days of the Game boy, but still....

I suppose kids don't really wonder about that kind of stuff, which is why this anime is aimed toward them.

Just a short rant I had because I can't go to sleep....:mad2: I wanna Sleep DAMN IT! meh....
*Waits for CK, Storm, Fox, Shadow, etc. to come and rape Rhippo* :rolleyes:
You do know that the game came first dont you?
A surprisingly large amount of people don't. My friend argues with me to this day that the anime came first. We both lived the 90's! He should remember! But no, he's stubborn.

He also says that the turtles started off with different color headbands. What a noob :lol:
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*Waits for CK, Storm, Fox, Shadow, etc. to come and rape Rhippo* :rolleyes:

You spelled my user name wrong LOL. Also,how does one "rape" over the internet? I've never heard of internet raping. Also, why would you want me to get raped? that's mean! :p haha!

Seriously though, it just a freakin' game. I was just ranting about it and wondering why nobody ever had such thoughts as a kid, back when we played these games. I realize some people still play these games however, and I'm not judging anyone that does or anything.

I mean, Don't get me wrong, I like the pokemon games and all, but now I realize they don't make much sense.

Heck! I would play a new pokemon game if it came out on wii with 3d graphics, and gameplay that is just as good(if not better) than the one's that have come out on handheld. They could do so much more on a disk than on a cartridge. why hasn't anyone thought of developing such a game yet? Are they saving this for when people finally(like 30 years from now) get bored with the same pokemon formula they've been using since, like, forever?

You do know that the game came first dont you?
Did it really? wow I thought It was the other way around. I never did watch the anime much though because I didn't like how innacurately they portrayed the pokemon. Like this little pikachu kicking everyone's ass all the time.
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First off, Pokemon makes plenty of sense compared to other childhood things.
Secondly, it's their nature to take orders in battle. A Pokemon with a trainer battles more effectivelly than a wild pokemon.
Also, some pokemon have tried world domination or something of the like, like Mewtwo. Fortunatly he saw the error in his ways before he done so.
Did it really? wow I thought It was the other way around. I never did watch the anime much though because I didn't like how innacurately they portrayed the pokemon. Like this little pikachu kicking everyone's ass all the time.
Call it a lazy plot
So lazy is it in fact its still the same thing happening

Annny way

The show is fail, the metagame is win.

Not much else to say that won't start another argument.
You ask that there be logic, but as we all know, logic will only hurt you. On the positive side, my spinnarak is boss! =D (not sure how to spell that one)
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First off, Pokemon makes plenty of sense compared to other childhood things.
Secondly, it's their nature to take orders in battle. A Pokemon with a trainer battles more effectivelly than a wild pokemon.
Also, some pokemon have tried world domination or something of the like, like Mewtwo. Fortunatly he saw the error in his ways before he done so.

How does fitting creatures of all shapes and sizes into a tiny balls(specially something as big as that one whale pokemon whose name I forgot) make any more sense than the tooth fairy? I'm only joking of course. You sound so serious in your reply.... Lighten up man :) You don't have to be so argumentative....

I remember from the games what you said about trained pokemon being better than wild ones. That much makes sense, but only with "dumb" pokemon like rattata or whatever. But what about those superpowerful, super intellgent pokemon? why do they let themselves get pushed around by seemingly inferior humans(in the game anyways)?

So is that thing in my little cousin's guide that says Alakazams have IQ's of 1000 wrong then? If it's right, then that would make them way smarter than humans which would probably make alakazams the top species in the planet.

Mewtwo was just one guy though. No matter how strong or intelligent he was, he wouln't be able to do it alone. I'm going to assume that he's smarter than alakazams. If like, 10 of them banded toghether with mewtwo though, they could probably rule the world right? But mewtwo would probably go all the way with his plan and convince all of the alakazams in the world, using his super powerfull mind, to band toghether with him and rule the world.

That, or all the alakazams in the world would band toghether agains' mewtwo and take him out of the picture and then they take over the world.

but then again, I don't have a PH.d in pokemonology, so maybe all of my assumptions are incorrect Either way, it's kinda pointless to argue about this, seeing as it isn't real. :cool:

Well I'm off to try to get some sleep now. If this is worth continuing some other time, then I will. But at the very least, I will read you all's posts so feel free to post. C ya!
How does fitting creatures of all shapes and sizes into a tiny balls(specially something as big as that one whale pokemon whose name I forgot) make any more sense than the tooth fairy? I'm only joking of course. You sound so serious in your reply.... Lighten up man :) You don't have to be so argumentative....

I remember from the games what you said about trained pokemon being better than wild ones. That much makes sense, but only with "dumb" pokemon like rattata or whatever. But what about those superpowerful, super intellgent pokemon? why do they let themselves get pushed around by seemingly inferior humans(in the game anyways)?

So is that thing in my little cousin's guide that says Alakazams have IQ's of 1000 wrong then? If it's right, then that would make them way smarter than humans which would probably make alakazams the top species in the planet.

Mewtwo was just one guy though. No matter how strong or intelligent he was, he wouln't be able to do it alone. I'm going to assume that he's smarter than alakazams. If like, 10 of them banded toghether with mewtwo though, they could probably rule the world right? But mewtwo would probably go all the way with his plan and convince all of the alakazams in the world, using his super powerfull mind, to band toghether with him and rule the world.

That, or all the alakazams in the world would band toghether agains' mewtwo and take him out of the picture and then they take over the world.

but then again, I don't have a PH.d in pokemonology, so maybe all of my assumptions are incorrect Either way, it's kinda pointless to argue about this, seeing as it isn't real. :cool:

Well I'm off to try to get some sleep now. If this is worth continuing some other time, then I will. But at the very least, I will read you all's posts so feel free to post. C ya!
I wasn't arguing. I was stating the facts. >_>

And Mewtwo most likely take over by himself, he is the most powerful Pokemon (Don't bother, Shadow)

And smarter or not, a trainer is there to make a Pokemon better than what it already is. The kind of help a trainer gives can't be achieved alone. In a battle wild Pokemon rely on pure instinct no matter how high their IQ, but with a trainer there to guid it it listens to his tactical commands instead of its insticnt. Not only is there the concept of the Pokemon getting better, but moral support aswell. A bond between trainer and Pokemon. A Pokemon listens to its trainer well when it full trusts him. A trainer will do his best to keep the Pokemon from getting injured in a battle. Which brings up another reason. In the wild Pokemon that loose a fight either crawl away injured or just die. With a trainer Pokemon are almost certainly guarenteed restoration after a fight. They get to retreat to the saftey of the Pokeball and healed at the nearest PokeCenter where their wounds are treated and they get feed.

I could go on and on about it but I'm sleepy. :sleep:

But I hope that clears it up.
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Since when does anime of any kind make sense EVER you psychos!

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