An Alternate Plot, Pokemon Style -Sign-ups-

however he was in for a while and Nak is now an NPC. his posts do count just we can choose to ignore them if we want
Sup plotters.

I've been crazy with standardized test prep and whatnot. Did you guys take yours, I know I'm thousands of miles away from most of you.:lol: Anyways, is there a heap to read, or will someone be uber cool and summarize?
Sup plotters.

I've been crazy with standardized test prep and whatnot. Did you guys take yours, I know I'm thousands of miles away from most of you.:lol: Anyways, is there a heap to read, or will someone be uber cool and summarize?

aw dude your still in school? This is my week off for spring break. Our tests are later this year, always the worst week of school.

Where did you leave off reading?
kinda hard to summerize but i'll try.

opens with the rebels(good guys) at a campsite talking about what there gonna do to defeat Zigaram(bad guy). they all decide to get moving when a small force of minions attacks. enter my characters talking with Zigaram. they're given a super powered poke and we leave to hunt down the rebels. meanwhile the rebels are arguing over whose in charge and where to go. my guys split up(1 on ground other in air) when one is attacked while the other finds the group. both hold off their foes until they reunite and attack the rebel force head-on. which ends in failure and retreat. rebels decide to head to a nearby city while my guys follow. meanwhile another group meets and tries to follow the rebels to join. this group is moving along slowly and then they meet an injured guy that just escaped a rampaging behemoth. they help and are currently stuck from lack of posting. the main rebels arrive in the city while my group arrives at nearby ruins. through a recon bit gone wrong, one of my guys ends up starting a riot and blaming it on the rebels. big fights and my guys lose their super-powered weapon and run for it. meanwhile a new evil guy gets sent by Zigaram to oversee a super soldier program. the rebels are currently regrouping at a nearby tower. one of the rebels breaks away from the group and follows my guys and over hears them trying to contact Zigaram. he offers help in return for info but instead gets knocked unconcious from a building getting demolished on him(still there). my guys run and are currently trying to contact Zigaram.

hope that helps
Yeah, it does man. Thanks.:)

Erm, does anyone (Phil) know what ever happened to Blue Man? He hasn't been here in quite a while.
His parents banned him from most computer use. AIM, Wiichat, e.t.c

SATs are killing my internet activity. >.<

POST COUNT AT 666:yikes:
if this doesn't pick up soon then i'm just gonna quit. i'm sorry but even the old dead quest was more active than this. i'm patient but i'm not gonna wait forever
I agree. Its not helping that Phil is not on. I posted a good amount, but im not liking these long lags in between posts. Barely anything has happened since March 20...

@ BRizer: That may be the reason this thing is dying.,...-_-
POST COUNT AT 666:yikes:

haha, remember back when we had 1,000 posts. I don't even think I've broken 100 yet. I spend more time reading now and in the lounge.

Also, I hate to say, but i'm kinda losing interest in this. I just don't have any motivation to try and post as Jet to get the rebels moving again. And even if I do, I will have to wait a week for everyone to see it and post with their characters before the story can get moving.

Not to put any pressure on you cj as I know SAT's are the most important thing right now, as they should be, but rocky is stuck right now until you post.
If someone could give me a summary of the whole rp, I will post so we can keep it active.