why brawl may be the best in the trilogy(possible spoilers)


Your Savior
Dec 23, 2007
Wii Online Code
here are some reasons why brawl may be the best of the smash bros. trilogy.

#1 reason- brawl has the most in depth story line of all the smash bros games
#2- online will be pretty friggen' awesome
#3- more characters to play as
#4- really great graphics that look like the wii couldn't handle the game.
#5- i said so
I thought Brawl was the only one with a story line.:lol:

I'm pretty sure it is the best out of all three.

Why wouldn't it?
Yeah like manred said, the point in a trilogy not based on a story really, like the Halo series, is to improve on the game before, it makes sense it should be the best in the trilogy, I mean 64 vs. Brawl, C'mon man, pointless thread.
what a silly thread...cant beat a classic n64 fight ooo wait you can with a GC melee fight hang on a sec arnt i forgeting somthing oh wait FREAKING brawl is best their is hands down...
It isn't a pointless thread... Many old N64 games are great, better then their predecessors even... I mean out of all of the Zelda games many people love The Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask way more than (sad to say) Twilight Princess.
Another example is Paper Mario, I just recently started playing the series and I have to say The N64 version is better than the GCN version: The Thousand Year Door (Havent gotten to Super Paper Mario yet).
There could be some people in this world who do in fact like the classics and prefer the N64 Game because of... whatever.
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toomstone said:
we are talking about smash bro here not zelda
hes just making a point dude.
I can understand how Zelda can be compared to its predecessor but Brawl is a fighting game.

Basically for Zelda each new game you have to start from scratch, sure there might be the same fighting system, etc. but the story and art will be new. If it were to follow a fighting game style by simply adding more content then it'll technically be "better" but not many fans will happy. Because of each game being mostly different from the other people could like predecessor more over than the successor.

Fighting game is a little more simple though. The basics of a fighting is just characters and game play(as far as mechanics goes). If you add more content to the next game it's basically going to be better, no doubt. I know Sakurai did a lot more than just adding a few characters but even with just that you shouldn't really compare the previous version with new one. Game play is basically the same in the previous version and character selection is limited, 16 to 37 (I think). So comparing Brawl to its predecessor is sorta a no brainer.
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anyway, i9 think the best reason is #5, thats just my opinion.
Acctually... i think nintendo 64 version will still be the best SSB game.


lol, im just messing with u Dkw0101 =). scince ure my rival :lol:
The thing I'm looking forward most in Brawl (or the reason it's the best of them you could say) is the stage builder and online, even though I haven't heard much good criticism about the online.
Well, not every sequel (or threequel) is better than its predecessor. So, it's not necessarily a given that Melee was better than the original, or that Brawl will be better than either of them. It all depends on your personal preferences. I like lots of characters, so obviously Brawl is the best for me, having tons (not to mention its the only one that comes out for a system I own). But your reasoning is pretty weak. It'll probably be better due to the advanced technology and advancements in platforms since Melee. Besides, Nintendo must feel some sort of need to have more characters in each new version than the one before it, so obviously we'll get to see how interesting their choices are. My only concern is the Super Smash trilogy is not exactly like other fighting games, and it's certainly not like racing games, so the Wii, a system that depends on its motion sensing, may not be best for Super Smash Bros Brawl. And it's been released for systems with different controllers in the past. Think of how different it'll feel. N64 and Gamecube controllers are about the same, but the Wiimote is a lot thinner and a different shape, so it'll be a different gaming experience, which you may or may not like.
I know it might not hold true for all fighting games but mostly a sequel are better than the last. Personal taste might play a role, but really when you compare the amount of character and stages of N64 to Brawl wouldn't Brawl have more option for taste?

The basics of fighting games are the character and move set right? In all Brawl the move set of veteran character have remain fairly the same and so the character with it. Each sequel was made addressing flaws of the previous. I can see why a person might like one over another, due to certain character attachment, etc. but can they really say the predecessor is better when they list pros and cons of each?

I agree that with SSBB the game is drifting further away from your regular fighting game so what I said (about fighting game depending on characters, etc.) might not hold true for the next release. That is good though, I like lines being blurred.

As for controllers you can still use GC controller for SSBB along with three other controller option, a smart move of Sakurai.
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shrek4wii said:
My only concern is the Super Smash trilogy is not exactly like other fighting games, and it's certainly not like racing games, so the Wii, a system that depends on its motion sensing, may not be best for Super Smash Bros Brawl. And it's been released for systems with different controllers in the past. Think of how different it'll feel. N64 and Gamecube controllers are about the same, but the Wiimote is a lot thinner and a different shape, so it'll be a different gaming experience, which you may or may not like.

that whole argument gets cut down by the fact that they let you use the GC controler

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