WiiChat Hiring


Apr 30, 2006
As im sure many of you have noticed, the News threads have been a little thin on the ground this past week.

So i think its time we started recruiting some quality news posters to help pick up the slack :)

I'll cut to the chase and tell you exactly what im looking for in a News poster.

1. Need to be dedicated in sourcing out News that is relevant to the Wii.
2. Descriptive original titles.
3. If you are quoting News from another source than you must not copy/paste the whole article. Ideally i would like a paragraph in your own words summing up the news, with any relevant passages from the article quoted. Followed with a link back to the source.

If you can do this and would like to become part of the team, the please PM me with a sample news post and we can go from there.

Basically im looking for people willing to find news and report it in their own words rather than just copying/pasting from other sources.

Good luck :)
sounds like a good idea ill get a news article together right now llol but will have to learn that typos are bad
Pretty cool, I think I'll give this a try. I read IGN most of the time when I am on the computer, and not on this site.
I would lurrv to be a part of the team.. but not for this reason :) would be nice to be part of it as i make sigs for people :) but thats my choice to do so, so.. ill just keep providing threads as much as possible
Wiired said:
I would lurrv to be a part of the team.. but not for this reason :) would be nice to be part of it as i make sigs for people :) but thats my choice to do so, so.. ill just keep providing threads as much as possible

It's very nice that you make sigs for people, but it's not realy a job that goes to somebody on the team. It's more of just a job people like to do, and help out other members. =) Although... you kinda say that in your post.

Now that I think about it, I wouldn't realy want to join the team as of now. It would be more work than my time permits, as of now. My life is school, this, and friends right now. But when the Wii comes out, I need to fit all 4 of those things into the day, which doesn't leave me with to much time... I vote for a 48 hour day. <_<
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Thanks for all the PM's so far guys, i'll send some replies out tomorrow :)
Meh ill just stick to lurcking around in the lounge
I'm unable to send PMs for some reason. Does anybody know how to fix that? Also I attempted to email my application for becoming a poster, but Im not sure if you recieved it?

edit: Nevermind, I found out why.
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