5th Generation of Pokemon - New Starter Pokemon Suggestions

Jeff25 said:
You should definitly try and get your Pictures on this thread! I'd love to see what they'd look like:), and Im sure others would like that too!
Since I can't find my old pictures, I decided to draw new versions of my starters final evolutions. The next time I get on my main computer (my brother is using it now) I'll download the pic.
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  • #47
deadlydasher said:
Your making are water pokemon look bad ive started with water since pokemon Blue! and why would we want a fish starter the peguin is soundin better lol

No one on this thread means ANY disrespect toward ANY of the Starters!
Don't get us wrong DeadlyDasher:thumbsup:!

But you have to aggree, there are plenty other good Water starter ideas than the peguin, turtle, crocodile and mudfish that've already been done.

Going back to my example from a few posts ago, I think it'd be nice to see a Duck Water Starter (similar to Psyduck).
That'd be an interesting Water Starter...not to mention unique!

I've never been the biggest fan of the Water Starters, I'm more of a Fire & Grass guy, but I have picked the Water starters from time to time, so I know they're all good in their own way:yesnod:.

Trust me DeadlyDasher, no one posting on this thread is dissing the Water Starters - Squirtle, Totodile, Mudkip, and Piplup

*You know what I think they should've done with Piplup's 2nd & 3rd stage? Since they're Penguins, and most penguins live in cold areas, they coulda made Prinplup and Empoleon Water/Ice type, instead of Water/Steel. But that's just my oppinion:p.

GigaRidley said:
Since I can't find my old pictures, I decided to draw new versions of my starters final evolutions. The next time I get on my main computer (my brother is using it now) I'll download the pic.

Sounds like a good idea GigaRidley:thumbsup:!
I'll be looking forward to seeing your visual ideas of your starters:). I'm sure others will be curious too!
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hey jeff your good at making pokemon up and about that battle we had sorry bout the double battle i didn't realise you pokemons levels wernt as high as mine
when pokemon 5G comes out (and you know it eventually will)...it needs to be a Wii game. Full on 3D pokemon game that plays EXACTLY like the handheld ones, but with more features and the battles look like they do in Pokemon Revolution (or better). It'd ofcourse be able to connect to DS and you would port your pokemon from Pearl/Diamond and also maybe have some kind of remote play or download and play on the DS.

Something where you can download portions and work on them on the go, and then come back and upload the progress back into the Wii version. Oh, and full fledged online would be a must.
Sterculius said:
when pokemon 5G comes out (and you know it eventually will)...it needs to be a Wii game. Full on 3D pokemon game that plays EXACTLY like the handheld ones, but with more features and the battles look like they do in Pokemon Revolution (or better). It'd ofcourse be able to connect to DS and you would port your pokemon from Pearl/Diamond and also maybe have some kind of remote play or download and play on the DS.

Something where you can download portions and work on them on the go, and then come back and upload the progress back into the Wii version. Oh, and full fledged online would be a must.

thats the truth, its time pokemon made its name big on the console with titles other than handheld battle ports and spinoffs.
Lets see anyone try to beat me in a Pokemon battle!!
in Pearl I have Torterra ,Drifblim,Blissy,Gallade,Gyarados,and Drapion
Leaf Green I have Blastiose,Omastar,Crobat,Gengar,Nidoking,and Snorlax
In Ruby I have Swampert,Cradily,Beutifly,Exploud,Cradly,and Walrien
In Collosam I have Fralagator,Mentagross,Typlosion,Maganium,Quagsire,and Plusle
In XD I have Flarion,Sandslash,Snorlax,Salamence,Lugia,and Poliwrath
InEmerald I have Blazikien,Ho-oh,Rayquaza,Mew,Celebi,and Lugia
I also have Crystal and Gold .......I have a Red Shiny Gyarados in Gold.....
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I know this may be a bit off topic, but I'm trying to do the following but am having a lotta difficulty doing it:

I'm trying to contact Nintendo so that I can send them my suggestions to them via Email AND Mail. I can send Nintendo a letter in the mail no problem, but the Email part, I'm having trouble with.

My Question: Does anyone know where I can go on the internet to contact Nintendo directly through an Email so that I can send them my many ideas!?
I'm asking ANYONE and EVERYONE for sites or whatever that I can go to to contact Nintendo easily and quickly about my ideas! I'll greatly appreciate any sites you offer to me! Just PM me with a possible site to go to to send an Email to Nintendo!
Thanks Very Much!
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  • #53
Hey fellow Pokemon fans,

Sorry if I haven't been on Wiichat or posting on this thread lately...my computer crashed or something and I couldn't get it turned on, let alone surf the net :rolleyes:.

But I'm back, now that I have a new computer :D! So I'll still continue to post on this thread:thumbsup:!

Till I come up with more ideas, I'll post again later on:)!
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  • #55
I recently had this idea for new starters the other day.
Everyone knows that a Dog is a Cats enemy, and a Cat is a Mouse's worst enemy...well how about a Water type Dog Starter that can beat a Fire Type Cat Starter, who can beat a Grass Type Mouse Starter...the Mouse would obviously have to beat the Dog because of their types:p.

Grass Starter:
Mouseed (Mouse + Seed)
Type: Grass
Meadow Shrew PKMN
Height: 1'04" Weight: 12lbs
Evolves at Lv: 16
Vermeadow (Vermin + Meadow)
Type: Grass
Vermin PKMN
Height: 2'08" Weight: 34lbs
Evolves at Lv: 32
Solarrat (Solar + Rat)
Type: Grass/Dark
Sewer Rat PKMN
Signature Move: Pummel Plant
Height: 4'03" Weight: 178lbs

Fire Starter:
Coalitten (Coal + Kitten)
Type: Fire
Kitten PKMN
Height: 1'08" Weight: 20lbs
Evolves at Lv: 16
Coaleppard ( Coal + Leoppard)
Type: Fire
Leoppard Cub PKMN
Height: 2'11" Weight: 55lbs
Evolves At Lv: 36
Coalion (Coal + Lion)
Type: Fire/Psychic
Signature Move: Roast Roar
Height: 5'03" Weight: 399lbs

Water Starter:
Puppool (Pup + Pool)
Type: Water
Puppy PKMN
Height: 1'08" Weight: 28lbs
Evolves at Lv: 16
Houndrop (Hound + Drop)
Type: Water
Water Dog PKMN
Height: 3'03" Weight: 96lbs
Evolves at Lv: 36
Wolfflood (Wolf + Flood)
Type: Water
Signature Move: Ocean Gusher
Height: 4'11" Weight: 324lbs

Lol:lol:, the classic Dog V.S. Cat V.S. Mouse cycle:p.
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Jeff25 said:
I recently had this idea for new starters the other day.
Everyone knows that a Dog is a Cats enemy, and a Cat is a Mouse's worst enemy...well how about a Water type Dog Starter that can beat a Fire Type Cat Starter, who can beat a Grass Type Mouse Starter...the Mouse would obviously have to beat the Dog because of their types:p.

Someone's been watching some tom and jerry.

Ok fine, I'll pipe in here,
In my retrospection, I noticed that all Grass type starters were not so much lizards, but the real secret of this, is that they are all cold blooded.
Cold blooded creatures need to sun them selves --> Plants sun them selves for energy. Simply put their is a connection to be drawn their.

Secondly one of the attempts gen 4 attempted, was a sort of "true ballence" where even if the water>fire>grass trilliogy was not enough, they altered the dual type to be weak to their primary type. Ground<Steel<Fighting. In short any starter {in theory} should be able to seriously hurt any other starter...in theory.

What I would like to propose is this be further Explored by types that have nothing to do with the primary typeing of GRW, since ground and steel mess with the GRW....

Just putting thos out their as always
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  • #57
Strype McClaine said:
Someone's been watching some tom and jerry.

Ok fine, I'll pipe in here,
In my retrospection, I noticed that all Grass type starters were not so much lizards, but the real secret of this, is that they are all cold blooded.
Cold blooded creatures need to sun them selves --> Plants sun them selves for energy. Simply put their is a connection to be drawn their.

Secondly one of the attempts gen 4 attempted, was a sort of "true ballence" where even if the water>fire>grass trilliogy was not enough, they altered the dual type to be weak to their primary type. Ground<Steel<Fighting. In short any starter {in theory} should be able to seriously hurt any other starter...in theory.

What I would like to propose is this be further Explored by types that have nothing to do with the primary typeing of GRW, since ground and steel mess with the GRW....

Just putting thos out their as always

I second that idea that any starter should be able to dish out serious damage to its weakness like the Ground<Steel<Fighting example.

What I would like to see introduced to a new generation are type combinations that don't already exist...such as the Rabbignite idea I mentioned a few posts back which was a Fire/Psychic combo. No other Pokemon has this unique combination of types. Same goes for Torterra in the 4th Generation. Torterra is Grass/Ground, which is the first of any Pokemon to be both Grass & Ground types.
Going back to Ruby Sapphire and Emerald, Blaziken was the first ever Fire/Fighting mix.

The creators of the next generation should consider creating new unique type mixes like Fire/Psychic or Bug/Ice for examples.

That's my oppinion:thumbsup:!
Came up with some more ideas (not starters, but 5th gen pokemon all the same)
Tiny Gecko PKMN
Height:"6 Weight: 7 lbs.
Evolves at: Lvl. 23
Gecko PKMN
Height:'1"5 Weight: 20 lbs.
Evolves at: Lvl. 42
Spike Strike PKMN
Height:'3"9 Weight: 47 lbs.


Hollow Fish PKMN
Height:2"4 Weight: 4 lbs.
Evolves with: Dusk Stone
Extinction Fin PKMN
Height:4"6 Weight: 56 lbs.

What do you think?
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  • #59
GigaRidley said:
Came up with some more ideas (not starters, but 5th gen pokemon all the same)
Tiny Gecko PKMN
Height:"6 Weight: 7 lbs.
Evolves at: Lvl. 23
Gecko PKMN
Height:'1"5 Weight: 20 lbs.
Evolves at: Lvl. 42
Spike Strike PKMN
Height:'3"9 Weight: 47 lbs.


Hollow Fish PKMN
Height:2"4 Weight: 4 lbs.
Evolves with: Dusk Stone
Extinction Fin PKMN
Height:4"6 Weight: 56 lbs.

What do you think?

Those are wicked Pokemon ideas!:)

Even though there not Starters, there nice ideas for some 5th Gen. Pokemon:p!

Nice Ideas GigaRidley:thumbsup:!

PS: That's a unique type combo, Water/Ghost;)

How about this idea (I must tell you that this Idea was one I thought of off the top of my head as I was typing this post:p):

Plantech (Plant + Tech or Technology)
Solar Chip PKMN
Type: Grass/Steel
Evolves: 35
Height: 2'11" Weight: 202lbs
Plantron (Plant + Tron)
Solar Robot PKMN
Type: Grass/Steel
Height: 8'03" Weight: 505lbs


Embaby (Ember + Baby)
Small Fireball PKMN
Type: Fire
Height: 1'04" Weight: 3lbs
Evolves: Lv. 25
Embro (Ember + Bro or Brother)
Floating Ember PKMN
Type: Fire/Flying
Height: 2'04" Weight: 10lbs
Evolves: Fire Stone
Emboss (Ember + Boss)
Inferno Ball PKMN
Type: Fire/Flying
Height: 4'11" Weight: 49lbs

Plantech & Plantron:
Plantech is a small robotic-like tree stump with iron shields on its cylinder-shaped body and at the top of its head stems a tiny twig with a bud at the end. Plantron is a grown up tree trunk, and still has it's steel shields around its body. This time however, Plantron's shields aren't attached to its trunk body like Plantech's was, instead, Plantron uses electro magnetic powers to keep it's shields hovering a few inches from its body. It's almost as if the shields arent even touching Plantron. At the top if its head is a large bush of leafs and branches instead of the tiny twig from its former stage.

You can catch either gender of this Pokemon, but like Combee, one gender will only evolve. In the Combee's case, only Female ones will evolve...in Embaby's case, only Male Embaby's will evolve. The Female Embaby's are practically useless.

Embro & Emboss:
Once a male Embaby evolves, it gains the ability to levitate in the air in its second stage, Embro. This hovering technique also gains it the Flying type.
Emboss is the so-called "boss" of the Fire Pokemon (but that's because Emboss has a big ego:p) Like Embro, it too can also float in the air and is still part Flying.
*Although Embro and Emboss are half Flying, they cannot learn FLY, since they have no wings to fly with.
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Nice ideas jeff; I actually had a huge pokemon inspirational thing about 2 months ago and thus; these pokes. There are plenty more (over 20 I believe) and I drew them all, so I'll be sure to post their pics as well.
Here's another...
Rocker PKMN
Height:'2"11 Weight: 67 lbs.
Evolves at: Lvl. 41
Guitar Solo PKMN
Height:'4"8 Weight: 120 lbs.

More to come...