Brawl Training League

MrSz.. He sounds familiar. I don't know him, though.

For peach & rob head to my bud BR3N7

Remember, BR3N7 doesn't come here very often at all, to every Brawler's dismay.. If he did show up, you should definatly ask about his Peach and ROB though, they are indeed excellent.

Well yeah IC just so happens to be one of my specialities:lol:but CK thinks i'm not good enough so no can do helping you with IC:frown2:

Ahh, don't put words in my mouth Fraz, I never said that. The only reason I didn't pass you was because.. well, you flopped the test. If you can't work under pressure, being a teacher isn't really.. a good idea.

That doesn't mean you can't help someone train though, it's just not official. If you want to help someone train their ICs, be my guest. :thumbsup:
LOL XD thanks CK but I wasn't under any pressure...yeah...your kinda wrong there since i'm never under pressure:D(Unless its a clan war...)
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LOL XD thanks CK but I wasn't under any pressure...yeah...your kinda wrong there since i'm never under pressure:D(Unless its a clan war...)

Never under pressure eh?

*Plants a bomb in front of fraz's house & the only way to stop it is by cutting off one of the 1000 wires on it*

Take that! :lol:
LOL XD thanks CK but I wasn't under any pressure...yeah...your kinda wrong there since i'm never under pressure:D(Unless its a clan war...)

Uh.. Then why did you completely flunk the test? o.o; You said you were nervous too. >.>;
Yeah were being nervous isnt exactly being under pressure...and no i'm not under pressure:lol:I simply cut all the wires until I find the right one(Ya never set it up right sonny)
I was wondering how exactly training sessions are set up? Is it from this thread or do I do it by PMs? Well I'll be on until 11 (except when I'm on this site... so PM and I'll jump off if you can do it now / want to), so I'm up for anything tonight.
I was wondering how exactly training sessions are set up? Is it from this thread or do I do it by PMs? Well I'll be on until 11 (except when I'm on this site... so PM and I'll jump off if you can do it now / want to), so I'm up for anything tonight.

Well, I said I wasn't going to Brawl lately, but I can certainly do some training sessions. My Wii's on a different TV right now though, which for some weird reason is killing my ability to play well.. I might get the hang of it within a few minutes though. I also just discovered wi-fi works in that room, so yeah.

Is there any specific characters you want to have dittos/clone matches with? Or perhaps you want to face a specific character? If not, I can just free-train as well.
Well since your being kind enough to help me any character would be helpful. If you want to do clones it would have to be Wolf or Toon Link, I guess, because I have lost all my skill associated with Meta Knight that I once had. Though, if you wouldn't mind, could I train Ice Climbers (I just started using it two days ago) on your Falco? I seem to have trouble against Falco with Ice Climbers.
Yeah sure, I can do some TL and Wolf dittos. Falco vs. your IC's is no problem as well - it's ironic though, I seem to have trouble against the IC's with my Falco. :lol: Should make for an even training session then.

If you ever want to switch characters, i.e. we just had a Wolf ditto, just choose Toon Link and go into battle, no contest the battle, and then I'll also choose Toon Link. Pretty simple system. ..And ofcourse, I'll need your Friend Code. Mine is in my signature, ofcourse.

EDIT: Lol, nevermind. I forgot your sign up was on the last page, so I'll just get your Friend Code there. Anyways, I'll see you online. Goodluck.
Hey see if your still brawling him after the clan fight in CoD then can I join in on the ditto's?
Blah.. cursed wi-fi. Not sure if it was me or you, but I suddenly disconnected and wi-fi isn't working now. Sorry King.

Even so, that was good training, right? Certainly a lot of training. It's been weeks since I've been on Brawl for so long. :lol: I underestimated myself though, I guess the TV doesn't matter - I just plain suck at FFAs, which is what I was basing my "I'm not good on this TV" statement on..
Sorry about my Wolf... it's been months since I last used him in a 1 vs 1. I'm trying to get Ice Climbers to replace my Wolf as a main and Zero Suit Samus to replace Toon Link as a sub (can only use Toon Link well in FFA's). I'm going to get back on... I forgot my dry roasted peanuts so maybe, just maybe, they'll give me the energy I need to stay awake :p. If your up for it I'll duo Ice Climbers, Pichu. Make sure you add me:
Tags: King
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Yeah sure, I can do some TL and Wolf dittos. Falco vs. your IC's is no problem as well - it's ironic though, I seem to have trouble against the IC's with my Falco. :lol: Should make for an even training session then.

If you ever want to switch characters, i.e. we just had a Wolf ditto, just choose Toon Link and go into battle, no contest the battle, and then I'll also choose Toon Link. Pretty simple system. ..And ofcourse, I'll need your Friend Code. Mine is in my signature, ofcourse.

EDIT: Lol, nevermind. I forgot your sign up was on the last page, so I'll just get your Friend Code there. Anyways, I'll see you online. Goodluck.

:lol: That of course is my fault :D
I shall add him now :thumbsup:

@king Yep you can pm someone or post here to get a training match going.

Glad to see your active :thumbsup: