
ssbb_lover said:
>.> How do you think I get on?! I homeschool. :) And if you're not a nerd i'm in NO WAY A NERD. :lol: Jk, but I think everyone on this site is a nerd at least a lil' bit, even if it's not to do w/ gamin :rolleyes:. Also, the reason why most homeschoolers are Christian, is because most ppl don't want their kids to get mixed in w/ that public school ****, it corrupts your mind if you fall for it. :sick: So, the Christian families, to make sure their kids get a good, Christian upbringing, teach their own kids, that way they know what's being put into their minds. :)

*EDIT* When I say, "good Christian upbringing", i'm in now way saying that being brought up as a Christian is the only way to grow up good, I just mean that's the typical mindset of Christian parents. :)

at least im not the only homeschooler, but im leaving homeschool for a real school next yr...
Skippy said:
That's not a Biblically based belief. Of course God can (and did) exist without Satan (and will again).

God existed before everything else and created all things. And Jesus was the firstborn of creation, so even he existed long before the devil or any angels. The Devil was not created as the devil. He was a spirit creature (angel or what have you) just like all the rest. But he used his free will to turn again God and also deceived Adam and Eve to get them to turn against God too. The Bible says he "was not holding to the truth" and is "a liar and the father of the lie" (John 8:44)
That is basically when he became the Devil or Satan, which are actually descriptive titles meaning "slanderer" and "resistor". So he lies about God and resists, or opposes him. Many other angels followed his path (the Bible says that about 1/3 of them). And the Bible also tells us that after Christ's 1000 year reign, Satan and all those who follow him will be totally and permanently destroyed. So then that will be another time when God exists without Satan.

Excellent and true quote!
First, I want to say I made an error that made my original quote that you quoted confusing. I had said God is just as much the devil and he is holly and good. I meant the and to be as, though written either way sound similar, as should make more sense.

Anyway, I know this isn't a Christian belief. My grandma would have a cow if she heard me say that; she's a rather extreme baptist. I was analyzing current, mainstream Christianity that has a heaven and hell; a god and a devil. Each respectively requires the other to exist as a point of comparison.
The color black is not black unless white exists and vice versa.
kissoff182 said:
Is abortion wrong because it's killing a baby or because "God says it's wrong?" I have mixed feelings about abortion. I don't believe in LYKE OMGZ IT'S MAH BODY ILL DO WAT I WANT W/ IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111 But I also don't want irresponsible people to be parents. There's more to it than the Bible says, "blah blah blah."

Why do people feel the need to say, "Jesus loves you" or "God bless you?" Why do Christians feel like they need to "save me" from Hell, which may not even exist? Why do people tell me if I'm wrong about God existing I'm going to Hell? If there's one thing I learned being raised Catholic it's that God/Jesus loves me for who I am and will let me into Heaven because I'm a good person, not because I believe in Christ. I just wish people wouldn't live their lives 100% by a fictional book.

yes abortion is wrong, it's murder. it's killing a human being. and as for hell, try this story, and see if it changes your view, and yes, it's true:

A girl and 3 of her friends were constantly being begged to come to church, (christian) and finally, they got sick of being asked, and they came for a wednesday night service. they started talking, laughing, and just disrupting the service. Finally, the pastor asked, "Would the parents please go sit with the girls in the back? It's really disrupting." Nobody moved. After the service, the pastor went up and asked if the girls were saved, and none of them were. One of the girls told the pastor to his face, "I'm going to go make hell tonight for the first time in my life." The pastor was shocked that a young girl such as her would go out and do that, and started to talk to her about the bible and what God had done for her. She finally told him she had to go, to meet her friends at the party. (It was a make-out party, that kinda thing.) On the way, she got into a car accident. the pastor came to see her at the hospital, and just before he left, she started screaming:
she then died. she was slipping into hell as she was dying. she was in perfect health too, before the accident.

i can go further, but i think that sums up my point.
Marthmaster said:
yes abortion is wrong, it's murder. it's killing a human being. and as for hell, try this story, and see if it changes your view, and yes, it's true:

A girl and 3 of her friends were constantly being begged to come to church, (christian) and finally, they got sick of being asked, and they came for a wednesday night service. they started talking, laughing, and just disrupting the service. Finally, the pastor asked, "Would the parents please go sit with the girls in the back? It's really disrupting." Nobody moved. After the service, the pastor went up and asked if the girls were saved, and none of them were. One of the girls told the pastor to his face, "I'm going to go make hell tonight for the first time in my life." The pastor was shocked that a young girl such as her would go out and do that, and started to talk to her about the bible and what God had done for her. She finally told him she had to go, to meet her friends at the party. (It was a make-out party, that kinda thing.) On the way, she got into a car accident. the pastor came to see her at the hospital, and just before he left, she started screaming:
she then died. she was slipping into hell as she was dying. she was in perfect health too, before the accident.

i can go further, but i think that sums up my point.
Gosh, seriously grow up man. Who told you that lame story as fact? Even if that were true, the girl was probably just mocking the preacher. Do you feel your religion is so lame that you have to scare people into believing?

Also, you say abortion is wrong, calling it murder. First, that's an opinion. Second, if killing a human is bad, then why has Bush, an evangelical christian, sent thousands of men and women, many "good" christians I'm sure, to their deaths in Iraq, not to mention the 34000+ innocent Iraqis? Why is that ok, but ending the existence of a mass of cells (at least in the first few weeks of conception) is wrong? Now, when that mass of cells has a heart beat, brain activity, and nerves, then it's ending a life, but it's not as simple as murder. What if the mother is only 13, impoverished? She's looking out for the welfare of her future child by letting it pass so she won't have to raise it in a harsh world, and don't even get started on adoption; the adoption system in this country, America, is appalling. I don't believe it's in anyway a form of birth control. But on those occasions, when a mentally or physically handicapped child could be saved a life of trouble, why not do so. What about rape victims? They should have to give birth to the child of their assailant?

Why does this question, abortion, have to have a simple yes/no answer?
i just started skipping through this thread after a while but anways, i was thinking today about how people say the Bible cant be true because it was written by man and man isnt infallible. well the people who said the "big bang" and "evolution" were man. how do we know they arnt part of a big conspiracy to make people believe that. and how do we know that their tests were correct? like all you people are saying, man isnt infallible so for all we know, they could be lieing about the so called "proven" (even though if it was proven it wouldnt be called a theory) theorys or they all just made the same mistake in their research.
Mitch2025 said:
i just started skipping through this thread after a while but anways, i was thinking today about how people say the Bible cant be true because it was written by man and man isnt infallible. well the people who said the "big bang" and "evolution" were man. how do we know they arnt part of a big conspiracy to make people believe that. and how do we know that their tests were correct? like all you people are saying, man isnt infallible so for all we know, they could be lieing about the so called "proven" (even though if it was proven it wouldnt be called a theory) theorys or they all just made the same mistake in their research.
Yeah, that's why they are called theories. You can believe what you want. You can believe in scientific theories, formed by logic and carbon dating OR you can believe the earth was formed out of a big piece of clay by some almighty, all seeing spirit. You can believe we all came from a couple of naked teens in a garden, where a snake told the girl to eat an apple and all that, though I believe they had two doesn't add up. And I'm not saying that's a bad thing because it's not supposed to add up. It's a myth. Noah's Arc? You can believe that they put every single conceivable species, from elephants to flees, onto one boat and that that's why we don't have unicorns, dragons and other mythical creatures today. There's nothing wrong with believing in that stuff if it makes you happy.
I feel bad for you that aren't sure on this topic, not that "Oh you poor poor thing, I pity your little soul", I just mean it must feel bad not knowing where to go or what's the truth. :sick:

Listen, i'm a Christian, and I can answer all your questions (maybe not the answer you're looking for, but it's MY answer, meaning it could also be wrong).

Why is gay marriage wrong? In the Bible, it says that marriage is a holy matrimonial process between a MAN AND A WOMAN. Also, it says somewhere in Romans (and probably other places) that men and women exchanged holy relationships w/ the opposite sex, to unholy relationships w/ the same sex. This indicated that God hates gay marriage, also meaning that believers should hate it too.

Ask just about anyone. They'll all tell you they're in favor of equal rights for homosexuals. Just name the situation, and ask. They'll all say, yes, gays should have the same rights in housing, jobs, public accomodations, and should have equal access to government benefits, equal protection of the law, etcetera, etcetera.

Then you get to gay marriage.

And that's when all this talk of equality stops dead cold.

More than half of all people in the United States oppose gay marriage, even though three fourths are otherwise supportive of gay rights. This means that many of the same people who are even passionately in favor of gay rights oppose gays on this one issue.

Why all the passion?

It's because there is a lot of misunderstanding about what homosexuality really is, as well as the erroneous assumption that gay people enjoy the same civil rights protections as everyone else. There are also a lot of stereotypes about gay relationships, and even a great deal of misunderstanding of what marriage itself is all about and what its purpose is.

The purpose of this essay, then, is to clear up a few of these misunderstandings and discuss some of facts surrounding gay relationships and marriage, gay and straight.

First, let's discuss what gay relationships are really all about. The stereotype has it that gays are promiscuous, unable to form lasting relationships, and the relationships that do form are shallow and uncommitted. And gays do have such relationships!

But the important fact to note is that just like in straight society, where such relationships also exist, they are a small minority, and exist primarily among the very young. Indeed, one of the most frequent complaints of older gay men is that it is almost impossible to find quality single men to get into a relationship with, because they're already all 'taken!'

If you attend any gay event, such as a Pride festival or a PFLAG convention, you'll find this to be true. As gays age and mature, just like their straight cohorts, they begin to appreciate and find their way into long-term committed relationships.

The values that such gay couples exhibit in their daily lives are often indistinguishable from those of their straight neighbors. They're loyal to their mates, are monogamous, devoted partners. They value and participate in family life, are committed to making their neighborhoods and communities safer and better places to live, and honor and abide by the law. Many make valuable contributions to their communities, serving on school boards, volunteering in community charities, and trying to be good citizens. In doing so, they take full advantage of their relationship to make not only their own lives better, but those of their neighbors as well.

A benefit to heterosexual society of gay marriage is the fact that the commitment of a marriage means the participants are discouraged from promiscous sex. This has the advantage of slowing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, which know no sexual orientation and are equal opportunity destroyers.

These benefits of gay marriage have changed the attitudes of the majority of people in Denmark and other countries where various forms of gay marriage have been legal for years. Polling results now show that most people there now recognize that the benefits far outweigh the trivial costs, and that far from threatening heterosexual marriage, gay marriage has actually strenghtened it.

So, having established the value of gay marriage, why are people so opposed to it?

Many of the reasons offered for opposing gay marriage are based on the assumption that gays have a choice in who they can feel attracted to, and the reality is quite different. Many people actually believe that gays could simply choose to be heterosexual if they wished. But the reality is that very few do have a choice -- any more than very few heterosexuals could choose which sex to find themselves attracted to.

Additionally, many people continue to believe the propaganda from right-wing religious organizations that homosexuality is about nothing but sex, considering it to be merely a sexual perversion. The reality is that homosexuality is multidimensional, and is much more about love and affection than it is about sex. And this is what gay relationships are based on -- mutual attraction, love and affection. Sex, in a committed gay relationship, is merely a means of expressing that love, just the same as it is for heterosexuals. Being gay is much more profound than simply a sexual relationship; being gay is part of that person's core indentity, and goes right the very center of his being. It's like being black in a society of whites, or a blonde European in a nation of black-haired Asians. Yes, being gay is just that profound to the person who is. This is something that few heterosexuals can understand unless they are part of a minority themselves.

Why is abortion wrong? I remember reading something about this in the Bible, not "abortion" per say, but the killing of innocent lives. See, the Bible is amazing because even though written in the times of you great great great great great, etc. grandparents, it still applies to the trouble of today. Because man is always going to be tempted for the same things, and is always going to fall into those same temptations. I believe it's wrong because if you look at this in the point of science, technically, the baby has not been born yet. But, if you actually think about it, that would have been a being like you and me, breathing, thinking. You never know if that unborn baby could have become the greatest president of the US, or an owner of a bank who donated millions of dollars to help ppl around the world. Quoted directly from you, "WHAT IF."
Many people would allow abortion under certain circumstances. Some approve of abortion if a woman's life or health is endangered by her pregnancy. Others find abortion permissible if medical tests predict that the child will be born with a serious mental or physical defect.

Some people would permit abortion when a pregnancy has resulted from rape or incest. Others believe that a woman should have an unrestricted right to an abortion, especially before the fetus becomes viable--that is, capable of living outside the mother's body. Most fetuses become viable after the sixth month of the pregnancy.

People who favor an unrestricted right to abortion during early pregnancy often separate human life from personhood. They argue that personhood includes an ability to experience self-consciousness and to be accepted as a member of a community. These people believe fetuses are not persons and thus should not be granted the rights given to persons. Such pro-choice thinkers consider birth the beginning of personhood.

Another pro-choice argument is that legal abortion eliminates many of the illegal abortions performed by unskilled individuals under unsanitary conditions. These abortions cause many women permanent injury or result in their deaths. Also, some argue that women should not have to give birth to unwanted children because the world's population is growing rapidly and natural resources are becoming scarce.

Why is pre-marital sex wrong? It's not because "the Bible says so", though it does, it's because God said that sex is the closest thing to heaven that we can have in this life, and that is supposed to be experienced at that day of marriage.


And if you don't believe that the Bible is true, then you can't believe these things like I can. Then i'm sure you'd ask me, "Why do you believe in the Bible?" Well, let's think. It's SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN to be true. Not that makes any difference to me, but I just want that info out there to be discussed. The predictions that have been made in it by God's prophets have all come true, and if not yet, they will. And they're not physics, "Call now and you get your prediction half off!" They were guided by God to say/write those things, so it's not man that makes such amazing these come true, it's God. Really, God could say anything will happen, because he controls what happens. He could say, tomorrow an alien will come and wipe out the human race and he could make it happen. =/ However, he didn't say that. :lol:

Heres some other cool stuff that happened in the bible

Btw i guess this stuff is scientifically proven too.

GE 3:1-7, 22-24 God allows Adam and Eve to be deceived by the Serpent (the craftiest of all of God's wild creatures). They eat of the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil," thereby incurring death for themselves and all of mankind for ever after. God prevents them from regaining eternal life, by placing a guard around the "Tree of Eternal Life." (Note: God could have done the same for the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil" in the first place and would thereby have prevented the Fall of man, the necessity for Salvation, the Crucifixion of Jesus, etc.)

GE 4:2-8 God's arbitrary preference of Abel's offering to that of Cain's provokes Cain to commit the first biblically recorded murder and kill his brother Abel.

GE 34:13-29 The Israelites kill Hamor, his son, and all the men of their village, taking as plunder their wealth, cattle, wives and children.

GE 6:11-17, 7:11-24 God is unhappy with the wickedness of man and decides to do something about it. He kills every living thing on the face of the earth other than Noah's family and thereby makes himself the greatest mass murderer in history.

GE 19:26 God personally sees to it that Lot's wife is turned to a pillar of salt (for having looked behind her while fleeing the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah).

GE 38:9 "... whenever he lay with his brother's wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from producing offspring for his brother. What he did was wicked ..., so the Lord put him to death."

EX 2:12 Moses murders an Egyptian.

EX 7:1, 14, 9:14-16, 10:1-2, 11:7 The purpose of the devastation that God brings to the Egyptians is as follows:
to show that he is Lord;
to show that there is none like him in all the earth;
to show his great power;
to cause his name to be declared throughout the earth;
to give the Israelites something to talk about with their children;
to show that he makes a distinction between Israel and Egypt.

EX 9:22-25 A plague of hail from the Lord strikes down everything in the fields of Egypt both man and beast except in Goshen where the Israelites reside.

EX 12:29 The Lord kills all the first-born in the land of Egypt.

EX 17:13 With the Lord's approval, Joshua mows down Amalek and his people.

EX 21:20-21 With the Lord's approval, a slave may be beaten to death with no punishment for the perpetrator as long as the slave doesn't die too quickly.

EX 32:27 "Put every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbor.

EX 32:27-29 With the Lord's approval, the Israelites slay 3000 men.

LE 26:7-8 The Lord promises the Israelites that, if they are obedient, their enemies will "fall before your sword."

LE 26:22 "I will also send wild beasts among you, which shall rob you of your children."

LE 26:29, DT 28:53, JE 19:9, EZ 5:8-10 As a punishment, the Lord will cause people to eat the flesh of their own sons and daughters and fathers and friends.

LE 27:29 Human sacrifice is condoned. (Note: An example is given in JG 11:30-39)

NU 11:33 The Lord smites the people with a great plague.

NU 12:1-10 God makes Miriam a leper for seven days because she and Aaron had spoken against Moses.

NU 15:32-36 A Sabbath breaker (who had gathered sticks for a fire) is stoned to death at the Lord's command.

NU 16:27-33 The Lord causes the earth to open and swallow up the men and their households (including wives and children) because the men had been rebellious.

NU 16:35 A fire from the Lord consumes 250 men.

NU 16:49 A plague from the Lord kills 14,700 people.

NU 21:3 The Israelites utterly destroy the Canaanites.

NU 21:6 Fiery serpents, sent by the Lord, kill many Israelites.

NU 21:35 With the Lord's approval, the Israelites slay Og "... and his sons and all his people, until there was not one survivor left ...."

NU 25:4 (KJV) "And the Lord said unto Moses, take all the heads of the people, and hang them up before the Lord against the sun ...."

NU 25:8 "He went after the man of Israel into the tent, and thrust both of them through, the man of Israel, and the woman through her belly."

NU 25:9 24,000 people die in a plague from the Lord.

NU 31:9 The Israelites capture Midianite women and children.

NU 31:17-18 Moses, following the Lord's command, orders the Israelites to kill all the Midianite male children and "... every woman who has known man ...." (Note: How would it be determined which women had known men? One can only speculate.)

NU 31:31-40 32,000 virgins are taken by the Israelites as booty. Thirty-two are set aside (to be sacrificed?) as a tribute for the Lord.

DT 2:33-34 The Israelites utterly destroy the men, women, and children of Sihon.

DT 3:6 The Israelites utterly destroy the men, women, and children of Og.

DT 7:2 The Lord commands the Israelites to "utterly destroy" and shown "no mercy" to those whom he gives them for defeat.

DT 20:13-14 "When the Lord delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the males .... As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves."

DT 20:16 "In the cities of the nations the Lord is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes."

DT 21:10-13 With the Lord's approval, the Israelites are allowed to take "beautiful women" from the enemy camp to be their captive wives. If, after sexual relations, the husband has "no delight" in his wife, he can simply let her go.

DT 28:53 "You will eat the fruit of the womb, the flesh of the sons and daughters the Lord your God has given you."

JS 1:1-9, 18 Joshua receives the Lord's blessing for all the bloody endeavors to follow.

JS 6:21-27 With the Lord's approval, Joshua destroys the city of Jericho men, women, and children with the edge of the sword.

JS 7:19-26 Achan, his children and his cattle are stoned to death because Achan had taken a taboo thing.

JS 8:22-25 With the Lord's approval, Joshua utterly smites the people of Ai, killing 12,000 men and women, so that there were none who escaped.

JS 10:10-27 With the help of the Lord, Joshua utterly destroys the Gibeonites.

JS 10:28 With the Lord's approval, Joshua utterly destroys the people of Makkedah.

JS 10:30 With the Lord's approval, Joshua utterly destroys the Libnahites.

JS 10:32-33 With the Lord's approval, Joshua utterly destroys the people of Lachish.

JS 10:34-35 With the Lord's approval, Joshua utterly destroys the Eglonites.

JS 10:36-37 With the Lord's approval, Joshua utterly destroys the Hebronites.

JS 10:38-39 With the Lord's approval, Joshua utterly destroys the Debirites.

JS 10:40 (A summary statement.) "So Joshua defeated the whole land ...; he left none remaining, but destroyed all that breathed, as the Lord God of Israel commanded."

JS 11:6 The Lord orders horses to be hamstrung. (Exceedingly cruel.)

JS 11:8-15 "And the lord gave them into the hand of Israel, ...utterly destroying them; there was none left that breathed ...."

JS 11:20 "For it was the Lord's doing to harden their hearts that they should come against Israel in battle, in order that they should be utterly destroyed, and should receive no mercy but be exterminated, as the Lord commanded Moses."

JS 11:21-23 Joshua utterly destroys the Anakim.

JG 1:4 With the Lord's support, Judah defeats 10,000 Canaanites at Bezek.

JG 1:6 With the Lord's approval, Judah pursues Adoni-bezek, catches him, and cuts off his thumbs and big toes.

JG 1:8 With the Lord's approval, Judah smites Jerusalem.

JG 1:17 With the Lord's approval, Judah and Simeon utterly destroy the Canaanites who inhabited Zephath.

JG 3:29 The Israelites kill about 10,000 Moabites.

JG 3:31 (A restatement.) Shamgar killed 600 Philistines with an oxgoad.

JG 4:21 Jael takes a tent stake and hammers it through the head of Sisera, fastening it to the ground.

JG 7:19-25 The Gideons defeat the Midianites, slay their princes, cut off their heads, and bring the heads back to Gideon.

JG 8:15-21 The Gideons slaughter the men of Penuel.

JG 9:5 Abimalech murders his brothers.

JG 9:45 Abimalech and his men kill all the people in the city.

JG 9:53-54 "A woman dropped a stone on his head and cracked his skull. Hurriedly he called to his armor-bearer, 'Draw your sword and kill me, so that they can't say a woman killed me.' So his servant ran him through, and he died."

JG 11:29-39 Jepthah sacrifices his beloved daughter, his only child, according to a vow he has made with the Lord.

JG 14:19 The Spirit of the Lord comes upon a man and causes him to slay thirty men.

JG 15:15 Samson slays 1000 men with the jawbone of an ass.

JG 16:21 The Philistines gouge out Samson's eyes.

JG 16:27-30 Samson, with the help of the Lord, pulls down the pillars of the Philistine house and causes his own death and that of 3000 other men and women.

JG 18:27 The Danites slay the quiet and unsuspecting people of Laish.

JG 19:22-29 A group of sexual depraved men beat on the door of an old man's house demanding that he turn over to them a male house guest. Instead, the old man offers his virgin daughter and his guest's concubine (or wife): "Behold, here are my virgin daughter and his concubine; let me bring them out now. Ravish them and do with them what seems good to you; but against this man do not do so vile a thing." The man's concubine is ravished and dies. The man then cuts her body into twelve pieces and sends one piece to each of the twelve tribes of Israel.

JG 20:43-48 The Israelites smite 25,000+ "men of valor" from amongst the Benjamites, "men and beasts and all that they found," and set their towns on fire.

JG 21:10-12 "... Go and smite the inhabitants of Jabesh-gilead with the edge of the sword and; also the women and little ones.... every male and every woman that has lain with a male you shall utterly destroy." They do so and find four hundred young virgins whom they bring back for their own use.

1SA 4:10 The Philistines slay 30,000 Israelite foot soldiers.

1SA 5:6-9 The Lord afflicts the Philistines with tumors in their "secret parts," presumably for having stolen the Ark.

1SA 6:19 God kills seventy men (or so) for looking into the Ark (at him?). (Note: The early Israelites apparently thought the Ark to be God's abode.)

1SA 7:7-11 Samuel and his men smite the Philistines.

1SA 11:11 With the Lord's blessing, Saul and his men cut down the Ammonites.

1SA 14:31 Jonathan and his men strike down the Philistines.

1SA 14:48 Saul smites the Amalekites.

1SA 15:3, 7-8 "This is what the Lord says: Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have; do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass ....' And Saul ... utterly destroyed all the people with the edge of the sword."

1SA 15:33 "Samuel hewed Agag in pieces before the Lord ...."

1SA 18:7 The women sing as they make merry: "Saul has slain his thousands and David his ten thousands."

1SA 18:27 David murders 200 Philistines, then cuts off their foreskins.

1SA 30:17 David smites the Amalekites.

2SA 2:23 Abner kills Asahel.

2SA 3:30 Joab and Abishai kill Abner.

2SA 4:7-8 Rechan and Baanah kill Ish-bosheth, behead him, and take his head to David.

2SA 4:12 David has Rechan and Baanah killed, their hands and feet cut off, and their bodies hanged by the pool at Hebron.

2SA 5:25 "And David did as the Lord commanded him, and smote the Philistines ...."

2SA 6:2-23 Because she rebuked him for having exposed himself, Michal (David's wife) was barren throughout her life.

2SA 8:1-18 (A listing of some of David's murderous conquests.)

2SA 8:4 David hamstrung all but a few of the horses.

2SA 8:5 David slew 22,000 Syrians.

2SA 8:6, 14 "The Lord gave victory to David wherever he went."

2SA 8:13 David slew 18,000 Edomites in the valley of salt and made the rest slaves.

2SA 10:18 David slew 47,000+ Syrians.

2SA 11:14-27 David has Uriah killed so that he can marry Uriah's wife, Bathsheba.

2SA 12:1, 19 The Lord strikes David's child dead for the sin that David has committed.

2SA 13:1-15 Amnon loves his sister Tamar, rapes her, then hates her.

2SA 13:28-29 Absalom has Amnon murdered.

2SA 18:6 -7 20,000 men are slaughtered at the battle in the forest of Ephraim.

2SA 18:15 Joab's men murder Absalom.

2SA 20:10-12 Joab's men murder Amasa and leave him "... wallowing in his own blood in the highway. And anyone who came by, seeing him, stopped."

2SA 24:15 The Lord sends a pestilence on Israel that kills 70,000 men.

1KI 2:24-25 Solomon has Adonijah murdered.

1KI 2:29-34 Solomon has Joab murdered.

1KI 2:46 Solomon has Shime-i murdered.

1KI 13:15-24 A man is killed by a lion for eating bread and drinking water in a place where the Lord had previously told him not to. This is in spite of the fact that the man had subsequently been lied to by a prophet who told the man that an angel of the Lord said that it would be alright to eat and drink there.

1KI 20:29-30 The Israelites smite 100,000 Syrian soldiers in one day. A wall falls on 27,000 remaining Syrians.

2KI 1:10-12 Fire from heaven comes down and consumes fifty men.

2KI 2:23-24 Forty-two children are mauled and killed, presumably according to the will of God, for having jeered at a man of God.

2KI 5:27 Elisha curses Gehazi and his descendants forever with leprosy.

2KI 6:18-19 The Lord answers Elisha's prayer and strikes the Syrians with blindness. Elisha tricks the blind Syrians and leads them to Samaria.

2KI 6:29 "So we cooked my son and ate him. The next day I said to her, 'Give up your son so we may eat him,' but she had hidden him."

2KI 9:24 Jehu tricks and murders Joram.

2KI 9:27 Jehu has Ahaziah killed.

2KI 9:30-37 Jehu has Jezebel killed. Her body is trampled by horses. Dogs eat her flesh so that only her skull, feet, and the palms of her hands remain.

2KI 10:7 Jehu has Ahab's seventy sons beheaded, then sends the heads to their father.

2KI 10:14 Jehu has forty-two of Ahab's kin killed.

2KI 10:17 "And when he came to Samaria, he slew all that remained to Ahab in Samaria, till he had wiped them out, according to the word of the Lord ...."

2KI 10:19-27 Jehu uses trickery to massacre the Baal worshippers.

2KI 11:1 Athaliah destroys all the royal family.

2KI 14:5, 7 Amaziah kills his servants and then 10,000 Edomites.

2KI 15:3-5 Even though he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, the Lord smites Azariah with leprosy for not having removed the "high places."

2KI 15:16 Menahem ripped open all the women who were pregnant.

2KI 19:35 An angel of the Lord kills 185,000 men.

1CH 20:3 (KJV) "And he brought out the people that were in it, and cut them with saws, and with harrows of iron, and with axes."

2CH 13:17 500,000 Israelites are slaughtered.

2CH 21:4 Jehoram slays all his brothers.

PS 137:9 Happy will be the man who dashes your little ones against the stones.

PS 144:1 God is praised as the one who trains hands for war and fingers for battle.

IS 13:15 "Everyone who is captured will be thrust through; all who are caught will fall by the sword. Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their ... wives will be ravished."

IS 13:18 "Their bows also shall dash the young men to pieces; and they shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb; their eye shall not spare children."

IS 14:21-22 "Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers."

IS 49:26 The Lord will cause the oppressors of the Israelite's to eat their own flesh and to become drunk on their own blood as with wine.

JE 16:4 "They shall die grievous deaths; they shall not be lamented; neither shall they be buried; but they shall be as dung upon the face of the earth: and they shall be consumed by the sword, and by famine; and their carcasses shall be meat for the fowls of heaven, and for the beasts of the earth."

LA 4:9-10 "Those slain by the sword are better off than those who die of famine; racked with hunger, they waste away for lack of food. ... pitiful women have cooked their own children, who became their food ..."

EZ 6:12-13 The Lord says: "... they will fall by the sword, famine and plague. He that is far away will die of the plague, and he that is near will fall by the sword, and he that survives and is spared will die of famine. So will I spend my wrath upon them. And they will know I am the Lord, when the people lie slain among their idols around their altars, on every high hill and on all the mountaintops, under every spreading tree and every leafy oak ...."

EZ 9:4-6 The Lord commands: "... slay old men outright, young men and maidens, little children and women ...."

EZ 20:26 In order that he might horrify them, the Lord allowed the Israelites to defile themselves through, amongst other things, the sacrifice of their first-born children.

EZ 21:3-4 The Lord says that he will cut off both the righteous and the wicked that his sword shall go against all flesh.

EZ 23:25, 47 God is going to slay the sons and daughters of those who were whores.

EZ 23:34 "You shall ... pluck out your hair, and tear your breasts."

HO 13:16 "They shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up."

MI 3:2-3 "... who pluck off their skin ..., and their flesh from off their bones; Who also eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from off them; and they break their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as flesh within the caldron."

MT 3:12, 8:12, 10:21, 13:30, 42, 22:13, 24:51, 25:30, LK 13:28, JN 5:24 Some will spend eternity burning in Hell. There will be weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth.

MT 10:21 "... the brother shall deliver up his brother to death, and the father his child, ... children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death."

MT 10:35-36 "For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law a man's enemies will be the members of his own family."

MT 11:21-24 Jesus curses [the inhabitants of] three cities who were not sufficiently impressed with his great works.

AC 13:11 Paul purposefully blinds a man

Also, on the subject of hell. You asked why are ppl always trying to "save" you, trying to save you from hell. Well, I had a little birdie that told me Hell isn't exactly roses and sunshine. ;) Seriously though, at the state your's probably a little scary. Hell is a place of eternal torture and oblivion, do you not want to be saved from it? Heaven = eternal bliss and togetherness w/ God/ Hell = eternal death and separation from God.

**** Hell

Christian pwnage
Deathmetalmaster said:
Your arguement is one sided. The bible is a text written by man. Interperet the book to better your life if you want. There is nothing wrong with this.

As another user in this thread pointed out before - most of the comments here at least assume that the people involved in the discussion have some sort of baseline acceptance of the Bible as the word of God. My response was to someone who was discussing God and the Devil, therefore I used the Bible in my response.
To debate the validity of the Bible itself is a whole nother topic.
Samus... i didnt read a word you wrote. it was so long... i may like reading but pplease tell you copied and pasted that or i will feel bad that you used so much time on something i didnt read :(
Solard said:
Samus... i didnt read a word you wrote. it was so long... i may like reading but pplease tell you copied and pasted that or i will feel bad that you used so much time on something i didnt read :(

Read or die
Marthmaster said:
yes abortion is wrong, it's murder. it's killing a human being. and as for hell, try this story, and see if it changes your view, and yes, it's true:

A girl and 3 of her friends were constantly being begged to come to church, (christian) and finally, they got sick of being asked, and they came for a wednesday night service. they started talking, laughing, and just disrupting the service. Finally, the pastor asked, "Would the parents please go sit with the girls in the back? It's really disrupting." Nobody moved. After the service, the pastor went up and asked if the girls were saved, and none of them were. One of the girls told the pastor to his face, "I'm going to go make hell tonight for the first time in my life." The pastor was shocked that a young girl such as her would go out and do that, and started to talk to her about the bible and what God had done for her. She finally told him she had to go, to meet her friends at the party. (It was a make-out party, that kinda thing.) On the way, she got into a car accident. the pastor came to see her at the hospital, and just before he left, she started screaming:
she then died. she was slipping into hell as she was dying. she was in perfect health too, before the accident.

i can go further, but i think that sums up my point.

God wants people to worship him because of love for him. Not because he's threatening them with horrible torture - that's worse than anything Satan has ever done. The fear of God is not the fear of hellfire.
^Outstanding essay, SamuS!:) Extremely thorough yet understandable to anyone.

Was this an essay for school/college or did you write it specifically for this thread?
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Marthmaster said:
yes abortion is wrong, it's murder. it's killing a human being. and as for hell, try this story, and see if it changes your view, and yes, it's true:

A girl and 3 of her friends were constantly being begged to come to church, (christian) and finally, they got sick of being asked, and they came for a wednesday night service. they started talking, laughing, and just disrupting the service. Finally, the pastor asked, "Would the parents please go sit with the girls in the back? It's really disrupting." Nobody moved. After the service, the pastor went up and asked if the girls were saved, and none of them were. One of the girls told the pastor to his face, "I'm going to go make hell tonight for the first time in my life." The pastor was shocked that a young girl such as her would go out and do that, and started to talk to her about the bible and what God had done for her. She finally told him she had to go, to meet her friends at the party. (It was a make-out party, that kinda thing.) On the way, she got into a car accident. the pastor came to see her at the hospital, and just before he left, she started screaming:
she then died. she was slipping into hell as she was dying. she was in perfect health too, before the accident.

i can go further, but i think that sums up my point.


And Christians wonder why so many people dislike them.