Design your own wii game


WiiChat Member
Jan 17, 2007
Checked the search and i dont think this has already been posted...Here is your chance to design your own wii game! Think about:
Etc Etc

Could make your own covers for the boxart n stuff. Just a thought, could be fun! lol
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haha, i like it so far. I was thinking some kind of new track and feild would be pretty funny. Like you have to shake the wiimote from side to side to run and lift it up to jump hurdles. You could have a javelin aswell, but that wud be pretty dangerous...
Spank the monkey is on wiicade. after the third game its dumb.

How about this: Alien Abduction - tractor beam race
Genre: Sport? Racing?
controls: one wiimote in each hand, you have to "swim"against the tractor beam to try to escape it while dodging the other things being cought up in it. (you know, sticks, stones, cows...)

Simple stuff. Gets progressively harder as the levels move on - beam gets stronger, objects get bigger, more cows.... Could have you pitted against multiple UFO's later on.Two player mode - NOT split screen - if you drift past the edge of the screen behind the other player, you are taken, the beam cuts out and the other (now bruised mii - the fall you know) wins. You can bump/push each other like in CHARGE with the cows in wiiplay.

Here is the cover art: (with apologies re much edited googled images - if you can recognise such)


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a game where u have 2 minutes to destoy a wii!

How about this: WiiSmash
Genre: Sport? Destruction/Violence
controls: you use the wiimote and nunhuck like a hammer or pair of hands...or a saw etc
stoyline: u have to destroy wii's taking over the world!
a game where you start off as a mage or other characters and its pretty much your average mmorpg and you use the remote to cast spells n stuff if your a mage, warrior you have to swing the sword, archer you have to pull the string back, and how about a berserker mode where you throw your weapons and armour to the floor and use your fists (wiisports boxing style) etc using different movements
Halo (they couldn't make this b/c it belongs to microsoft, but it would be awesome :) )
Genre: First Person Shooter
Storyline: You proably know it
Controls: Point and shoot and move w/ nunchuck :lol:
Etc. Etc.
title : power quest
genre : rpg, adventure
Online crazyiness

the wiimote becomes a weapon of your custom characters choice s you fight your way through dungeons . who needs extra buttons !!

storyline: you are a hero whose life has been one fight to the next but when a evil force takes the one thing you've ever truly cared about ( different for each class) you start a quest to win it back

online function : use your custom character in a random dungeon agaisnt other players , last man standing wins
ericlewis91 said:
a game where u have 2 minutes to destoy a wii!

How about this: WiiSmash
Genre: Sport? Destruction/Violence
controls: you use the wiimote and nunhuck like a hammer or pair of hands...or a saw etc
stoyline: u have to destroy wii's taking over the world!

One problem with that... If you fail to destroy it in time, just could take it out of your real wii, thus wanting to commit suicide afterwards.
Genre: Climbing/Slipping Adventure
Controls: use the wii-mote to climb the tower
Title: Save the princess in the tower
Storyline: Saving the princess held in the tower
It's a game where you do someone... the best you can.

Nah that was my friend's idea.

I would say they should remake OoT. Fix the graphics and sound up, maybe add some dungeons, and add Wiimote controls. I've been playing OoT through emulation on my computer with the Wiimote and it's mad fun. There's no need to post genre and whatnot in this case because everyone knows Zelda Ocarina of Time.