Your Own Zelda Game

God, this is like fan fiction homoness. I guess I’ll join in, though.

The setting is slightly in the future, circa 2054. There has been a military coup de tat led by a top military leader, Gannon. As Gannon and his forces broadcast their initiation speech to a new regime, a boy is born with the hero’s insignia of the triforce on his hand. The goddesses of the triforce had sensed this rift of evil, and as a result, had chosen a new hero.
The moonlight from the skylights cascades down the hero’s face. His eyes open. The triforce on his hand begins to glow and without a warning, fills the city with a piercing white light. Gannon feels the rift in his regime.
link grows up and has a son, his son is interested in his dads past but link never tells him, so the son goes out into the village and finds out the truth, he ends up asking a familiar face, zelda who is know old a wrinkly and tells links son of his dads past. links son goes back home to his dad to find link lying in the bed clutching his heart. the village doctor says the only cure to links fatal disease is zoras scale. links son has to travel back to the land of hyrule which is now overunn by monsters and ghost to find the last remaining sanctury where the last zora tribe remain. he gets the scale and returns to his father. the doctor does whats needed but then they discover that link has not got that disease, his heart is bieng eatin away by gannondorf's sprit from a netherregion of time where he was locked away in OoT.they only way into this realm is to play a mystical tune with the harp that is in the skies. link now has to travel deep into a forest, then climb a giant mountain pass where he faces many perils. throuhg the pass he uncovers a hut lying deep in a enchated forest he goes inside and a witch is lying in a bed, she's possesd by a demon and he
has to release her spirit. he does and she grants him a magical power that allows link to ride/use any animal in the land that he touches. link then has to take controll of a mystic dragon because his only way to get to the sky city realm is to use the dragons wings and fly up.
the game is full realistic and the games clock takes 12 hours to pass to another day although you can use songs to do otherwise. you have to eat to keep on going in your quest other wise you get to tired. you have to sleep and you need to go through 200 hours of game play to finish the main story line.

and thats about it....
Dude, that's i-m-p-o-s-s-i-b-l-e! becuase link and zelda are just reborn every generation and link never sees his father and his father is not link same with zelda....although just a random thought from TP, would Ruta the Zoran Elder be Ruto's (from OoT) daughter? just wondering...
LOZ in present form. like his "village" is long island and the city is New york. or ATlanta or something like that. get some mad crazy gear like a skate board or osmething gnarly and of course gannon would be the bad guy
Lobstermobster said:
LOZ in present form. like his "village" is long island and the city is New york. or ATlanta or something like that. get some mad crazy gear like a skate board or osmething gnarly and of course gannon would be the bad guy

So bassicly you want link as a playable character in the next tony hawk?
or make a game about how the original link got evil and sort and you fight the gods as link.
a game where you play as Ganondorf. Quests where you have to kidnap the princess and defeat link, maybe take over villages. Bad guys never get to win...just a thought lol. Could make some pretty evil weapons aswell, and costumes for that matter.
i dont car about the storyline but they should have a boat, a horse and maybe a lamborgini, since thats probably going to be the next form of transport in the next legend of zelda:D :D
I personally would like to play as Zelda. Maybe if there was a way you can switch characters like in Resident Evil Zero I think for the gamecube.
Zelda games do not border on sci fi or modern technology. Its design is deep in magic and medieval fables. There is no such thing as cars or planes or rockets.

If it was transformed into a more modern and current form, then we would have GTA, not Zelda.
rich-69-50 said:
lol there should be rocket launchers and attack jets, maybe a few tanks

No No 69-50, you're thinking of Battlefeild 2, not Zelda, but that's ok, we forgive you.