Evolution: Are you being brainwashed?

n3gative3 said:
No it can go either way. Just look up the definitions of the two words.

I don't like Yahweh because he is vengeful, misogynistic, genocidal lunatic who seems to have a complex where he is dying for our approval. He is like that clingy girlfriend who can't function until all of her ridiculous needs are met.

Um....definitely not. Have you even read, Torah/Talmud/Bible/Koran?

Also, the earlier examples such as horses were pretty similar. How can you say that we evolved from earlier primates when we are very different. We think on a much higher level than them. With such a long time, how is there not any different species of primates on par or just below H. sapiens? Even the most primitive culture of humans can make fire, and work with metals. No ape can do that.
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n3gative3 said:
Well therein lies the problem. Let's say for a moment that Adam and Eve were Middle Eastern. Over time, even thousands of years there wouldn't really be any changes such as Caucasian, African, Asian, etc. Which is why evolution lends itself more readily to the various races on this planet.

Here is a list of transitional forms for you skeptics:

Ardipithecus ramidus
Australopithecus anamensis
Australopithecus afarensis
Australopithecus africanus
Australopithecus garhi
Paranthropus aethiopicus
Paranthropus boisei
Paranthropus robustus
Homo habilis
Homo rudolfensis
Homo ergaster
Homo erectus
Homo heidelbergensis
Homo neanderthalensis
Homo sapiens
this is explained in the bible. read about the tower of babel. it explains how different languages and races came to be from our religious beliefs. if you dont have a bible i guess wiki will have to do http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_of_Babel
Who cares about the Creation Vs Evolution debate, it has put people into arguments for the longest time. Does it really matter, its 2007 people, and we're still fighting over this. I didn't say religion proves an afterlife, heaven & hell or any of that...it just doesn't matter people about Evolution or Creation, people will have this debate for years to come so it just doesn't matter.
Brawny said:
Also, the earlier examples such as horses were pretty similar. How can you say that we evolved from earlier primates when we are very different. We think on a much higher level than them. With such a long time, how is there not any different species of primates on par or just below H. sapiens? Even the most primitive culture of humans can make fire, and work with metals. No ape can do that.
That's the way we have evolved now though. The capacity for greater "intelligence" has been developed, possibly due to changes in Brain structure. One cannot argue that we didn't evolve from other species due to the difference in "intelligence". If you look at the brain during evolution, it changes quite a lot.
I_Dont_Know859 said:
this is explained in the bible. read about the tower of babel. it explains how different languages and races came to be from our religious beliefs. if you dont have a bible i guess wiki will have to do http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_of_Babel

I understand the story of Babylon and have read the Bible but it doesn't explain how there are different races it explains why.

Brawny said:
Um....definitely not. Have you even read, Torah/Talmud/Bible/Koran?

Also, the earlier examples such as horses were pretty similar. How can you say that we evolved from earlier primates when we are very different. We think on a much higher level than them. With such a long time, how is there not any different species of primates on par or just below H. sapiens? Even the most primitive culture of humans can make fire, and work with metals. No ape can do that.

And yes, you can tolerate someone without respecting them. For instance, my wife works at a hotel, she doesn't respect the drunks she has to deal with day in and day out but she must tolerate them. But that argument is irrelevant.

As far as the apes go, you really must look at just how intelligent chimpanzees and especially bonobos are. What they can do short of making fire is amazing. There is an account of a female bonobo finding a wounded bird on the forest floor, taking it up to a tall tree and holding its wings out to help it get lift so it can fly away. Now tell me that isn't remarkable in and of itself.
And as Squall7 has kindly pointed out, we have evolved past the apes because of the species in between our genetic split. As the various forms evolved, higher ways of thinking and problem solving were developed but it was homo sapiens who happened to work out just right for a number of reasons I'm sure you can surmise since you happen to be one.
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{How can you say that we evolved from earlier primates when we are very different}

You know that we share 99% of our DNA with primates, right? Humans and primates are very similar but that 1% difference is what makes us unique. So why haven't the primates evolve into hominids? I don't think there is a straight, correct answer for that. I would say it's because it just didn't happen. No benefical mutations occured to the primate for that change. Remember that evolution is very slow process. It doesn't happen overnight or in periods of mere milleniums.
RedProdigy said:
{How can you say that we evolved from earlier primates when we are very different}

You know that we share 99% of our DNA with primates, right? Humans and primates are very similar but that 1% difference is what makes us unique. So why haven't the primates evolve into hominids? I don't think there is a straight, correct answer for that. I would say it's because it just didn't happen. No benefical mutations occured to the primate for that change. Remember that evolution is very slow process. It doesn't happen overnight or in periods of mere milleniums.

I can try to answer this for you. The reson why monkeys and humans today are different even though we evolved from them is quite simple. It is all about how humans and monkey mated. Ok... so lets say you have a group of apes. Half of those apes leave the group and go mate with other apes of a different group which is possible because they have the same species type, and the group that doesn't leave only mate with themselves. Over so much time, the group that left and mated with different groups have now evolved because through mating they have produced offspring which is now more evolved to the environment, while the group that mated only with themselves never evolved. At this point in time, the species that left and the species that stayed can no longer mate and produce fertile offspring because over the course of evolution they have become different species.
So you are saying that primates haven't evolved into hominids because they haven't breeded with many different groups and adapted as much to procreate offspring that led to rise of the hominids? That is plausible, I suppose. But I know why humans and apes are different lol.
I think the short and simple answer is that they are working well enough in their environment right now and are adapted well enough what with their opposable thumbs. Who is to say though that in another million years or so they may not change. That is, unless us humans don't wipe out the planet first.
RedProdigy said:
{How can you say that we evolved from earlier primates when we are very different}

You know that we share 99% of our DNA with primates, right? Humans and primates are very similar but that 1% difference is what makes us unique. So why haven't the primates evolve into hominids? I don't think there is a straight, correct answer for that. I would say it's because it just didn't happen. No benefical mutations occured to the primate for that change. Remember that evolution is very slow process. It doesn't happen overnight or in periods of mere milleniums.

Actually, it is 98% between us and apes. But, as I have said before, it is 99.9% between all humans. Makes that 2% look huge.

Compare the biggest thing we can do to the best thing apes can do. So they can learn a kata and help a bird fly. I don't see how we could evolve from them and they still live perfectly fine today. They can use sticks to eat bugs, we can go to the moon, send satellites to pluto, robots to mars.
Brawny said:
Actually, it is 98% between us and apes. But, as I have said before, it is 99.9% between all humans. Makes that 2% look huge.

Compare the biggest thing we can do to the best thing apes can do. So they can learn a kata and help a bird fly. I don't see how we could evolve from them and they still live perfectly fine today. They can use sticks to eat bugs, we can go to the moon, send satellites to pluto, robots to mars.
Yes, but those accomplishments we do through evolution in the mind - the construction on how we think. If we didn't have all the things that make up our personality, as well as social traits, we would never have gone to the moon, send out satalites or send robots to Mars. Also, I must remind you that our own ancestors could not do that either, we have evolved to accomodate and manipulate what science has to offer to do those things. These things aren't merely on the scale of evolution. Also, all those things have been brought about (indirectly in some cases) by capitalism (money is the most important factor), a concept that isn't seen in any primate society.
Okay, i'll go back a couple hundred of years. Apes can't use rakes, or ho's, or clothes. The fact that we can tell the difference between nakedness and not is pretty big. Humans have been wearing clothes for a veeeeerrrrrry long time. Why aren't the apes at least mutating just a little, at least on par with humans many centuries ago?
Why is that so hard to understand?!

Brawny: Because it just never happened, end of story. It took millions of years for Homo Sapiens to emerge with our advanced brain functions. It is most plausible to say that there was just no need for those primates to acquire higher mental functions.Primates functioned just well enough to not justify evolving, though note that there are many species of primates. Also, consider that the main challenger to an evolved primate would be man himself. Imagine that a primate with brain functions similar to man was found? What would happen? Either man will vilify and ostracise it or scientists will capture it and experiment.

Primates can be trained. They understand the concept of secondary reinforcement. They can be trained to speak some sign language (limited though). Primates have self-image concept. Primates possess latent learning (I think that's the right term). Finally, most primates can use primitive tools. However, nature never demanded further mental functions and perhaps no mutations has ever occured (it's quite possible).

Oh, and humans initially wore clothing to protect them from the climate. The wide-spread use of clothing did not appear until the migration of Homo erectus (is that right?) into colder regions. As for the concept of "nakedness", that's instilled by society not nature. For millions of years, hominids were naked and that was no problem because they were living in a tropical zone that's hot all year! Move to Europe and you're going to need warm clothing. Nature demanded that.