Evolution: Are you being brainwashed?

castlezelda said:
Everyones still fighting over Evolution or Creation...thhink about it and track it down, if we were made by monkey's, why are there monkey still around today?
Err, some mutated, others did not. Why is that so hard to understand?
Also if God does Exist which I'm sure he does, if god didn't exist then how did this world form?
The Big Bang.
A monkey couldn't make this world.
Unless he was a super-intelligent monkey!:ihih:
had to be God, as in Jesus or Johovah or Emmanual or whoever you want to call him.
Or a super-intelligent monkey!:ihih:
I'm not saying to all this is wrong but How do you think that Charcles Darwin was right?
Charles Darwin was the father of the evolution theory, just like Freud was the father of psychoanalysis theory. However, much like psychoanalysis theory, there have been variations built on that theory. Charles Darwin may not have been totally correct, but he started a new way of thinking about ourselves.
Everyone in Darwin's day probably throught he was on crack generally speacking but darwin himself thought was right all along.
Actually, Darwin came from religion. He ventured around the world and came up with his conclusions. While they probably thought it was proposterious about his theories, they probably thought the same about Galaleo's claims that the earth was not the centre of the universe.
Who saids Science proves everything?
Science does prove things. Why do you think we have the laws of physics?
Science doesn't proove heaven or hell,
Heaven and Hell are concepts of religion - which has nothing to do with science in the first place.
why we sleep
Actually, it does (although we haven't found enough evidence to support theories). I even learnt a lot about sleep in A-level psychology. Things like dream interpretation (Freud - though not lookling at it for a 'scientific' perspective, more a theoretical one), that the human sleep cycle is actually 24.9 hours rather than 24, as well as sleep in different animals.
or why a awake,
We wake because we're meant to wake. If we were all asleep, then we'd be constantly eaten by preditors all the time.
or why we die.
We die because our bodies can no longer finish the cycle of life (breathing, blood flowing, thinking, protecting ourselves from diseases etc...)
Science doesn't prove that.
It does prove it. Just because science doesn't go into the philosophical reasons as to why these things happen, doesn't mean it doesn't explain how they happen.
Science doesn't prove Whats really the direction of up or down, left or right all the directions could be the oposite from eachother anyway.
*cough* Theory of relativity *cough*
So who saids science proves theres no God, no afterlife, no heaven or hell, right is right, left is left, down is down and up is up, who saids. Science was and is made by HUMAN's, and humans can be wrong
Relgion was created by humans. Ergo they could be wrong too. Science doesn't prove "god" "afterlife" "heaven "hell" or anything because those would come under para-science. Science deals with what we know and what we can predict. It isn't meant to answer philosophical questions, nor paranormal ones.

That's not to say that science directly contracts all religion. Intelligent Design is all about incorporating science with religion, but really, it's an alternate, not a given. although one can argue science is all about explaining things without the existence of God. What I want to know is why religion cannot accept science. Why does religion have to "prove" itself over science. Science is merely trying to understand the wonders of the universe. Religion is the concept with the problem - to be correct, science has to be incorrect, and therefore goes out to prove science wrong (the main examples coolsmile provide is evolution and carbon-dating).
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Okay, first off, we weren't "made by monkeys." We shared a common ancestor with the great apes (not monkeys). Great Apes have 24 pairs of chromosomes and we humans have 23 pairs. It was recently discovered that in our genome there was a fusion of two telomeres that were split in the chimpanzee genome. I am bad at explaining that so I'll let Ken Miller explain it for you:


Secondly, the origin of earth and the universe has nothing to do with evolution so we can nix that. Darwin set the groundwork for the theory of evolution with his book The Origin Of Species. Since then we have discovered so much more to credit the theory. Oh, and by the way, the word "theory" in the context of science isn't the same as "hypothesis." Look it up.

castlezelda said:
Who saids Science proves everything? Science doesn't proove heaven or hell,
why we sleep or why a awake, or why we die. Science doesn't prove that.
Science doesn't prove Whats really the direction of up or down, left or right all the directions could be the oposite from eachother anyway. So who saids science proves theres no God, no afterlife, no heaven or hell, right is right, left is left, down is down and up is up, who saids. Science was and is made by HUMAN's, and humans can be wrong

Religion doesn't prove heaven or a hell or many many other things.
It seemed obvious to me that we slept because we were tired and ran out of energy to keep going. I thought that that was a given, I didn't realize people didn't understand that.
About God, no science can't prove that, neither can religion. There is no way to prove or disprove it. However, a general divine creator seems more probable than Yahweh.
Lastly, you are correct, humans can be wrong, that is why with each thing undertaken in science it is tested and tested and tested again, peer reviewed to death until it is irrefutable and then gets published in science journals - to put it roughly. If you are in school, which I hope to the flying spaghetti monster you are, then I am sure they are teaching you are have taught you about the scientific method and how we calculate things.

If you can't believe "the theory of evolution" because it is "just a theory" then go ****ing throw gravity out the window, flush your medicine down the toilet, throw your Wii out the window and go live in shack somewhere where you can't hurt anyone else with your logic.

Peace and Love :thumbsup:
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umm...... left for a few days. I'll just say this and unsubscribe to this thread..

I believe in all evolution except monkeys->humans

In response to "why can't god heal amputees" - why does everyone think that God has to be either all-loving and drastically changing people's lives every second of everyday or destroying everyone mercilessly. To the pray for cancer to be healed lololololol, horrible logic.

I'll say again that God created science and physics and everything else like that. How can you use his creation to prove that he exists other than saying that it is there? Science is here to explain his creation, not the creator. It is not meant to explain things such as heaven/hell/God.

Finally, it is for your own benefit to believe in a God. I believe it was Pascal. If God exists and your good -> heaven, if he exists and your bad -> hell, if he doesn't exist -> either way it doesn't matter. The only downside is if you don't believe in him and he exists. Besides, say hinduism is correct with reincarnation. When you came back, what religion would you want to be? Even if reincarnation is correct, the ideals of Christianity would still appeal to me over anything else.
Wii_Smurf said:
I got a question....

When God created Adam and Eve they had children and then their children had children and so on.... SO!

When we have girlfriends/boyfriends aren't we really commiting Incest if we all come from 2 people?

I don't really know the story of God I don't much care but that seems logical to me. Could someone explain that to me?

Not trying to prove God is false or anything I just wanna know why....

BUT I do think that this post is pointless because we aren't really getting anywhere

No my favorite is the fact that most religions believe that adam and eve where white people. Where the hell do we get colored skin from? And even skin color was based on the sun, why do we have black people. Last time I checked, two whites don't make a black. That is in no way racist at all so please don't go there. I am simply stating a point.
Brawny said:
I believe in all evolution except monkeys->humans

It is apes -> humans, not monkeys. And that makes no sense. Evolution is evolution. You can't believe in everything but what doesn't please you. Like the Bible, cherry picking is ridiculous. A lot of people of faith will believe in microbiological evolution but as it has been stated before here, there is no difference between Micro and Macro as they use the same mechanism and system. You would also be hard pressed to find any serious scientist refer to evolution in terms of micro or macro as they are nothing more than labels used by people who don't understand the process in the first place.
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Yeah I know, I said that on page 6. i was simply correcting him in a simple way he could understand.
kitkat_bar said:
No my favorite is the fact that most religions believe that adam and eve where white people. Where the hell do we get colored skin from? And even skin color was based on the sun, why do we have black people. Last time I checked, two whites don't make a black. That is in no way racist at all so please don't go there. I am simply stating a point.

Don't generalize, only stupid idiot bigots and Nazi sympathizers think that Adam and Eve were white.

BTW n3gative3, where did you get ur sig? did you make it?
Well not really, I just cropped it. All you have to do is search 'the flying spaghetti monster' in Google and you will find the picture in various sizes. One of my personal favorites. :thumbsup:
i think god exists/ed, and created the first organisms, but i also believe that evolution happens, through natural selection. so when cells are copied, there are errors, and every once in a while they create something that is good, and that animal survives, and breeds even more, and eventually the ones w/o the mutation just die off
I can respect that. I have gotten to the point where I just can't respect judeo-christian faith because the ideas behind it are utterly absurd to me. I can tolerate it but not respect it.
With people like you who actually are willing to accept a scientific theory based on all of the evidence for its very existence yet still believe a diety exists... I can respect that. I personally don't feel there is any need for a supreme creator, though it doesn't bother me... as long as it isn't Yahweh.
n3gative3 said:
I can respect that. I have gotten to the point where I just can't respect judeo-christian faith because the ideas behind it are utterly absurd to me. I can tolerate it but not respect it.
With people like you who actually are willing to accept a scientific theory based on all of the evidence for its very existence yet still believe a diety exists... I can respect that. I personally don't feel there is any need for a supreme creator, though it doesn't bother me... as long as it isn't Yahweh.

Actually, you have it backwards. It is possible to respect something while not tolerating it but not other way around. Why does YHWH bother you?
No it can go either way. Just look up the definitions of the two words.

I don't like Yahweh because he is vengeful, misogynistic, genocidal lunatic who seems to have a complex where he is dying for our approval. He is like that clingy girlfriend who can't function until all of her ridiculous needs are met.