Games you'd like to see ported to wii..?

oh, yea but I dont think thats much of a problem. I think Nintendo was expecting alot of future games to be 2-discs. Just look at the cases and it has a slot for an addition DVD holder.
Kingdom Hearts would be PERFECT. Two swords... a nunchuck and wiimote... motion sensing abilities.... HHMMMMMM.... XD lol but it would really be sweet.
zraductus said:
not unless they make it 4 the wii with a double layer dvd or 2 double layer dvds
To be fair, I think Nintendo has always had good compression methods for these things. Though I doubt it would be able to fit as much a PS3 disk, I don't think developers really need THAT much space. Also, considering most of the core work is already done (i.e. development, programming FMV's etc - although programming would probably be different for the most part, and I'd love more FMV's), I don't think it would be out of the question to have it before the end of next year!
i really want to see a lot of good VC games, being that most of them up now are totally horrible and not worth the money. id like to see majoras mask, goldeneye (will probably never happen) and star wars pod racer.

other than that id like to see some burnout games for the wii. i think with the wii's racing control scheme they could pull off a burnout game rather well. that and wii NEEDS a good FPS. maybe a half-life or half-life 2 port? mmmm i wish.