Games you'd like to see ported to wii..?

Barbie Horse Adventures

I agree with the Final Fantasy idea. I would also like to see Timesplitters on the Wii (with the Wii controls, obviously), that would make for some great fun.
Phoenix Wright.

You just buy one game and you'll have to buy addinationall cases over the Wii Shop.

Use Wii Mote for random stuff you do in a PW game.

And a possible Wi-fi with small "court-only" cases.
command and conquer series perferably red alert 2 style. my fav computer game of all time would love to see one on the Wii.
Kingdom Hearts.
I love that game, would be great swinging the Wiimote for the keyblade. I hope they make a new one and include it on the Wii.
Squall7 said:
I also agree. There is no reason for Squaresoft to not develop the main Final Fantasy series for Nintendo. If anything, remaking Final Fantasy VII though to XII may entice those Nintendo-hardcore gamers that they didn't get in the first time around.

I would love to see Squaresoft release these for Nintendo. Loved the series, and was annoyed when they stopped coming to PC. Make them for Wii and I'd buy them all! :thumbsup:
Actually, I'd like to see Shadow of the Colossus on the Wii...

Plus, any good FPS. Must... have... FPS....
I would like to see God of War and like most everyone else here bring back the Final Fantasy series.
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How about dark messiah of might and magic? played a demo on my pc - it was good but insanely hard (at least for me).
The control system would work well with the wii again - nunchaku for blocking... Throwing items at enemies would be cool with the remote too...
If you had 2 wiimotes you could strap one to your leg for kicking enemies in combat, lol.

(kicking enemies off platforms and into traps features heavily in dark messiah)