Gh 4, Cod5, Tony Hawk + More

GH4? Now it's getting old. They should just put this final one online with downloadable game/ song updates and take monthly polls/ requests to most requested songs. I'd rather not hear anything more about it.

Cool on the rest though.
uhh great news, hopefully this means more wii fps.
AoWFraggit said:
what was so bad about treyarch's cod3? aside from the lack of multiplayer of course...and annoyingly lengthy UNAVOIDABLE cut scenes.

Did you play CoD2 alot? You will know if you do... Atleast chances are you should. Not everyone hated CoD3. Most people actually didnt hate CoD3, it just sucked bad compared to CoD2. On xbox forums, CoD2 was still more popular than CoD3.
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ive never played any of the cod games, but ive played medal of honor vangard, and lemmy tell ya if u just got a wii, and u buy that, its the most hardest game (for me) to get used to, the aimin was like .,.,.,., lol yer, but then i switched the look mode to unlocked and i was like, aww damn i should have used this at the beginng, it would be ok to see a new bf game, i quite enjoy playing 2142, and i lost interest in bf2 after a started playin 2142, i suck balls on bf2 nowa days,
i was a HUGE tony hawk fun up until...underground.

sigh...hawk needs to be brought back to life. the RIGHT way.