Help!:Any body else had this problem?

For all those that have access to the weather channel but not to the shop and internet channels. I just got off the phone with nintendo America and they believe the problem could be on their end. so there is hope. They are having a techy call me back to figure it out.
ATTENTION! I just got off the phone with nintendo. Here is the deal with those whose forecast channel works but shop and internet channels do not. The problem is with internet providers not having nintendos servers addressis in all their databases. To fix the mysterious problem follow these clicks: on the start up channels menu click wii options, then settings, then internet, then connection settings, then click on whatever your current connection is ( ie connection 1 , connection 2, or connection 3, ) Then click on change settings, click to the right 3 pages so the heading reads "Auto obtain DNS" Click on "NO" and click advanced settings, then for the primary dns input this sequence for the secondary inpur click confirm and then save and initiate the system test. the shop and internet channels that did not load up should now work. Have fun.
ok thanks, Woe! I really appreciate this and hope it works, I will try it as soon as I get home, thanks again!
Hi all!
I'm new in this forum, i write this message because i have the same Wii Shop problem...but i cant' find the solution! I write from Italy (excuse me for my english :D), and when i try to access to wii shop i obtain these errors randomly:

1-"loading screen forever and ever" issue
2-Error 209600
3-Error 209576

I called Nintendo italy assistance, and they told me to send them the console to change it. But i don't want change my Wii, i'm sure there's another way to use the shop channel!I think it's a server problem, not a Wii problem!

Can you give me the DNS to use with Nintendo European Servers? I tried with the IP's posted by woe911...but them are only right for US users!

P.S. I have a 56k connection, but i can connect to the weather channel, send messages and mii, download updates...the only problem is with the shop channel, i don't think it's a connection problem!