how many of us all own all consoles

PS1 PS2 or Dreamcast, "Cant decide"
PS1 and Dreamcast had my favorite games but PS2 was so damn fun...
well its gotta be the wii tho i did love the singstar games on the ps2 lol
Ds lite is not too bad either and some good games out the gamecube too lol
Yeah, but whats your fav?
Tails McCloud~ said:
Yeah, but whats your fav?
Out of all my consoles I would have to say that my fav is probably my Mega Drive. Oh, the memories I had with Streets of Rage and the Primal Rage.
Sonic from Genesis/Mega Drive for me.
SNES rocks pritty bad, PS2 has lived for a while and is still going so I have to admire that and it's good. And the Wii has potential, not sure I could pick a favourite. I don't personly own a PS2 though, I just play my bro's. SoI don't choose my own games. I'd probly pick the snes for the memories.
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Game Gear/DS are my handheld favs
Starfox Command 4 Lyfe!!!!!!
You mean last gen consoles? All consoles? All next gen consoles? All main consoles?

I mean you'd have to be a freak to own all consoles, there's a lot of them. Sony, Sega, Microsoft, and Nintendo aren't the only ones that have had consoles.

As far as the main good consoles of last gen, yes I had them all.

Xbox - Seriously the main reason I got this was for Jet Set Radio Future. Halo also was good, but besides that I didn't like most games.

Ps2 - My favorite last gen console. It had quantity, quality, and variety.

Gamecube - Could've been better, but honestly it had Super Smash Bros. Melee.

Dreamcast - Loved this console, so many of the most unique games came from this. Sonic Adventure, Jet Grind Radio, and Seaman. Such an underrated console.