I got a 360! Move over Wii!

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  • #16
ssbb_lover said:
Why be patient waiting for games when you can get a more powerful machine graphically with already games that are going to go down in history? Don't exactly see how that makes since.

Plus, he can earn money over the summer now and buy an inexpensive Wii, much better plan don't you think?

Took the words right out of my mouth.
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  • #17
Dj Trooper said:
You got rid of your wii? Are you mad? I just got a 360 too but i would never be in a position to rid of my wii it's the only innovative console on the market and it's sure to do big things yet. Nintendo isn't even started.

Why bother keeping it when I never play it, the games suck, the games announced this year suck and Nintendo hardly release any info on new things to keep you interested.

With the 360 I know where I stand, there are hundreds of games and downloads, I can use my HD TV to the full potential, and soon I can watch HD movies.

I can just get a Wii next year when some decent games are out, and who knows, there might even be a new version of the Wii out by then (DS > DS Lite etc..)
WII60 said:
woo-hoo! another 360 member! welcome to real gaming! its tue, all the good games come out for ps3/360

personally i'm looking forward to assassins creed[/QUOTE

Umm, this is a wii forum, you do know that right,

And about 360, its been out for ages longer so its got way better games at present, i may get one when the price is a bit lower cus im skint atm, it has got pretty good games atm aswell.
George said:
WII60 said:
woo-hoo! another 360 member! welcome to real gaming! its tue, all the good games come out for ps3/360

personally i'm looking forward to assassins creed[/QUOTE

Umm, this is a wii forum, you do know that right,

And about 360, its been out for ages longer so its got way better games at present, i may get one when the price is a bit lower cus im skint atm, it has got pretty good games atm aswell.
this is a wii forum?? :scared:
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  • #20
George said:
WII60 said:
woo-hoo! another 360 member! welcome to real gaming! its tue, all the good games come out for ps3/360

personally i'm looking forward to assassins creed[/QUOTE

Umm, this is a wii forum, you do know that right,

And about 360, its been out for ages longer so its got way better games at present, i may get one when the price is a bit lower cus im skint atm, it has got pretty good games atm aswell.

No this is a 360 sub forum in a Wii forum, basically it is a 360 forum. :yesnod:
There is so much room for debate over the 360 and wii and i have had various discussions on other forums. I think the Wii and 360 are two totally different things, one is providing us with a great new way to play games and the other is providing us with an all round entertainment system that takes console power to a next level. I suppose really it depends on what you want out of a console that matters, i agree not enough good games are out for the wii at the moment but the way i can play them and what's in store for it in the future is superb.

I brought a 360 for the great online features, gaming with friends, gamerscore, enhanced graphics and overall good games list. I brought a wii because i have so much fun playing in different ways, sending mii's, creating mii's and playing online aswell now that charged is out.

However i think it is too soon to rule the wii out completely from the future as it has only been out for a few months, i wouldn't be surprised if you ended up buying another one.:wink:
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  • #23
Dj Trooper said:
There is so much room for debate over the 360 and wii and i have had various discussions on other forums. I think the Wii and 360 are two totally different things, one is providing us with a great new way to play games and the other is providing us with an all round entertainment system that takes console power to a next level. I suppose really it depends on what you want out of a console that matters, i agree not enough good games are out for the wii at the moment but the way i can play them and what's in store it in the future is superb.

I brought a 360 for the great online features, gaming with friends, gamerscore, enhanced graphics and overall good games list. I brought a wii because i have so much fun playing in different ways, sending mii's, creating mii's and playing online aswell now that charged is out.

However i think it is too soon to rule the wii out completely from the future as it has only been out for a few months, i wouldn't be surprised if you ended up buying another one.:wink:

Did you not read anything I posted? I didn't say I was ruling it out completely, I am just saying the games that have been announced suck compared to what the 360 has and what it has coming out (GTA 4 anyone?)

I have said multiple times I will probably get one next year again, I ain't repeating the rest, go back and read it you lazy git.
:*( I feel so left out...

All you guys on 360's....Even if I got one, my interwebs is GHEY..... :cryin:
i bought a 360 a few weeks ago cause i was getting tired of waiting for decent wii games to be released as well.

however, i wouldn't sell my wii because there are plenty of good wii games coming out in the next few months:

metroid 3
battalion wars 2
resident evil (4 and umbrella chronicles)
project hammer
manhunt 2
super mario galaxy

and many others....

any of these look as good as anything coming on the 360, and they are more in depth than anything available for the wii atm (no party games here, just practical immersive gaming).
lackluster dj said:
i bought a 360 a few weeks ago cause i was getting tired of waiting for decent wii games to be released as well.

however, i wouldn't sell my wii because there are plenty of good wii games coming out in the next few months:

metroid 3
battalion wars 2
resident evil (4 and umbrella chronicles)
project hammer
manhunt 2
super mario galaxy

and many others....

any of these look as good as anything coming on the 360, and they are more in depth than anything available for the wii atm (no party games here, just practical immersive gaming).
You forgot most important of all.

Brawl >.>

I seriously can't wait for BW2 though, they don't even have a set release date for it do they?

I did read everything you wrote before posting, i was just establishing what i thought of the situation and that i think you will buy another wii. You said you probably will and i'm telling you that you will hehe

No harm caused.:wink:
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  • #29
lackluster dj said:
i bought a 360 a few weeks ago cause i was getting tired of waiting for decent wii games to be released as well.

however, i wouldn't sell my wii because there are plenty of good wii games coming out in the next few months:

metroid 3
battalion wars 2
resident evil (4 and umbrella chronicles)
project hammer
manhunt 2
super mario galaxy

and many others....

any of these look as good as anything coming on the 360, and they are more in depth than anything available for the wii atm (no party games here, just practical immersive gaming).

metroid 3 - Don't like Metroid games
battalion wars 2 - Looks good but taking too long to come out, online features will probably suck, after all it is Nintendo
resident evil (4 and umbrella chronicles) - Only game I was truly looking forward to..
project hammer - Lol yeah right
manhunt 2 - Was looking forward to it but meh
super mario galaxy - Can't stand another god damn mario game

Sorry but GTA 4 just owns all these.