I'm a little shocked..all the immaturity

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WiiChat Member
Dec 27, 2006
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Wii Online Code
I'm not trying to cause any "internet drama" or anything, but damn, a lot of the posters here just don't seem to posess any sense of maturity. I know there are the exceptions, but they are overshadowed by those who decide "2 talk like dis cuz it cool".

I'm in the midst of trying to get my Adress Book on the Wii to grow, and theres no point in adding those of you who will provide little or nothing at all as far as "memorable experiences" go. So far, I'm probably interested in adding Smurf, Wiired, and a few others I haven't been able to plug into my head yet.

I don't know what this post solves, I guess I'm just trying to let you all know that if IGN was here, the Lasting Appeal aspect of this site would be chillingly low. With that being said, I'm not leaving because I believe in better days. Hell, its only been 2 days and I'm saying that...regardless..I'll be here, trying to see improvement.
Err...okay. Just don't add them, solves all your problems. Plus writing a detailed message x 50 on the wii can be difficult. Depends how many people have been added.
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Nah, my Adress Book paragraph just goes to show how immature some of these posters really are.

I congradulate you on not dissapointing me, though!
The ignore button works pretty well, or is that the ban button... :shifty:
Dude, just do what I do: make fun of them.
It's great fun and could damage them socially - you can't lose!

Also, welcome to the boards, Vert. There's a spot in the Dumbass Patrol for you and anyone else I judge worthy of the badge.
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i been here 5 mins, and it's already annoying me, just something i will have to put up with by the looks of it.
Well noobs will be noobs
You can tellwicth ones they are by the "site avis"
Vert said:
I'm in the midst of trying to get my Adress Book on the Wii to grow, and theres no point in adding those of you who will provide little or nothing at all as far as "memorable experiences" go. So far, I'm probably interested in adding Smurf, Wiired, and a few others I haven't been able to plug into my head yet.
what about me :(
Unfortunately you get people lacking intelligence of various sorts (spelling, manners, etc) on any big forum.

They don't annoy me directly. I don't see a "my blue light doesn't stay on" post for the 73rd time and go insane (though I can understand why people do, it's frustrating. Use the search, people!), but I do get peeved at text talk. There is just no need for it. Text talk is appropriate for text messaging, to fit as much as you can into the text before running out of characters. But you can post as much as you want on a forum, so don't reduce words to unreadable garbage.

Fortunately, since I joined this forum a few days ago, I've noticed many, many good posters. People with good opinions, expressed with a decent level of spelling, grammar and interest. I choose to remember those people more than Illiterate Joe, aged 14.
Hay im dislexic (cant spell)

But thats why theres a online spell checker
To be honest, I couldn't give a **** less about spelling, but if the typo is funny I do make fun of it. Manners are what matter most.
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